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    See Kai Run Spree <monkie>

    hi, would like to get this: Chris: Size 6;key=CHRIS-BLUE Do let me know how much to transfer to your account. Pl PM me, tks
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    rainbow- abby Benefit cosmetics free international ship

    hi Rainbow, Will drop the mini some kind of gorgeous. Have tt $77.24 (29 + 29 x 1.33) over to you from my UOB account (IB nick emma1776 trans ref 1202260207607309). Pl PM me when the goods arrive for arranggment of collectio, tks!
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    rainbow- abby Benefit cosmetics free international ship

    hi rainbow, Interested in: - Benetint - Dr feelgood - how much for the mini some kind of gorgeous? pl PM me, tks.
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Metta, i just signed up for Julia gabriel trial class, i wanted to have a mandarin enrichment since E only understands Chinese and not english. But not sure if I'll sign for the full term. It's quite pricey and I think it will be very tiring to ferry E to and fro two times a week and...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Zuen, good to hear that Isaac is okay now, must have been real scary. Nuts allergy is apparently very common, i'm holding off on nuts until maybe 18 months before i let Ethan sample a little to test test. metta, hugs! Look on the bright side if 4 teeth come out at one go the "pain" is over...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    finding a good maid is really a matter of luck..I've heard some success stories but also horror stories. I don't like having an outsider in the house so will persevere on to look after Ethan myself. want to check, has anyone tried switching over to open rim cups yet, instead of straw cups...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    zuen, my Ethan also not walking yet, still cruising. Can't stand unsupported either, he has got long thin legs, more difficult to balance, heh! Also a super crawler and started crawling very early, that's why I think he has less incentive to learn to walk. I'm not worried, and will let him...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Ian, hope that Xavier has been guai guai this weekend and drinks his milk. i just had mini battle with Ethan this morning, think he is cutting out his 10.30am feed. Will let him do as he pleases from tomorrow. Maybe I'll serve him strawberries and fresh whipped cream tomorrow at this feed. He's...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Ian, good luck! Xavier's a smart boy! He knows how to outwit, out manipulate, and outlast his careful yah? Otherwise it may translate into other areas lor.... One suggestion - maybe try offering something that he really likes to eat only at your place - i.e. don't make it...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    dear chubby2, bibizai and SHin, tks tks for the conatacts!! Think i nearly kena "chopped"...... better go and sort it out quickly, ethan is starting to climb on the sofa and chairs...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi mummies, would like to check if any of you have good contacts for window grill installation (i'm still childproofing the house, yikes!). I asked for a quotation from aluminum wrought sometime back, and they quoted me more than $2000 for the whole house, including kitchen, yard, and...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Zuen, so the next tooth to come out is a molar? Teething of molars could cause fever. can isaac take dry scallop soup? It will make the porridge tasty. Or how about melting some cheese into the porridge, to give more flavour?
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi Zuen, yes, sweet potato good for relieving constipation - it's different from white potato. Try cooking in watery porridge. Have u tried giving Isaac yogurt too? to make food tasty, try using pasta sauce (organic tomato sauce, with no added salt - available at NTUC or BP). I steam...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Zuen, you wanna try giving Isaac sweet potato (local type with brown skin, orange flesh)? Very effective for clearing constipation. It's also v good that u are giving plum - they are actually the "fresh" versions of the prune. jia you jia you mr poo poo, come quick quick!
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    oh dear, is Isaac in a lot of discomfort? Is his poo hard and compacted? Try pears and peaches, these are good for constipation too. Gerber sells prunes in jars, can give it a try.
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Groovy, From all your posts so far, it seems like Josie has developed some "learned behaviour" and a fear of eating and drinking milk. This might have been caused by forced feeding when she was younger? So she is trying to assert some control and independence by refusing to eat or drink. I...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    ian - he's like a beanpole. Tall and lanky. i swear he gets taller each time i look at him.
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Ian, Ethan's BMI is 14.5. So skinny hor.
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Ian, good that Xavier enjoys his milk. Wah, you don't know the stress of having to do daily battle with a baby who doesn't like milk. You think 150ml is little? Ethan takes 130ml at 7.30am, 140 ml (if lucky,sometimes only 70 - 100ml) at 10.30 am, no milk at lunch, 100ml (if lucky, sometimes...
