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  1. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    checking in despite hectic schedule to say CONGRATS TO BBP!!! whats the D-gal name? Labour story labour story!
  2. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    I'm in. We form a team ourselves? I can only do Sat/Sun later afternoon, like 5pm...
  3. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    I remembered as 'Sally Sally' too!!!
  4. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    I'm a britax fan so I got the britax booster seat with back rest and belt support so it falls nicely on his shoulder and won't strangle his neck. The booster can remove back rest totally too. It comes with two cup holders on both sides and eboy us loving it. Line his toys in the holder. ;)...
  5. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Comes with the shade that has nevver been used and kept in vacuum packed.
  6. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    the car seat is suited from infant to 5yo (tho they state till 10). I just "upgraded" eboy to a booster. He's been using that from 3mth old. It's in tip-top condition, no stain, no fade, no damage. I bought it at $499. will let go at $200. interested I can send it over to you to look...
  7. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Letting go of Eboy's Britax Royale Car Seat. Anyone keen, PM or whatsapp me!
  8. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    woooo, runs to hug youpi, say I look like Gong Li! lalalala.... haha.... Been hunting for creams and what nots this weekend, only to find fwah, so expensive... wonder if they really worked.. so the Ah Soh me went around collecting samples.. no try sample how to tell good or not, right? lol...
  9. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    *cries* Black spots from too much sun exposure??? I'm getting OLD!! ;(
  10. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Happy snake year!! Water snake indeed, rain rain rain! Help!! Started to find dark spots on my face. I never apply anything on my face before, is it too late to start? What is tried and tested for dark spots?
  11. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    no volunteer no guarantee, phase 2C ballot, risky or not??
  12. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    I don't have to shift house, I need to change my residential address to my bro's house which is across the street to English school. It's the volunteering that I dread, not sure if I can commit, and once I commit, where to find time cos for grassroots, all my weekends will be burnt, yet now is...
  13. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    PS: grassroots volunteering, not PV! The English school does not accept PV and I have to change my address too. My heart wants to let eboy go there, but my head tells me to stay the easiest route which is the Chinese school which no ballot nothing and it's like 2.5km from where I stay....
  14. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    PB, not the Chinese school near mine and cellow's house. I for sure will not put eboy there. I'm referring to another chinese school that is not a branded chinese school. Another consideration is the Chinese school do not offer tennis as CCA but the English school emphasizes tennis. So...
  15. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Pls give your opinion. Eboy is mild mannered, shy and very nervous when smongst strangers, or when all eyes on him. He is not very confident due to his lack of language skills. Under such situation, do you think a Chinese based, conservative primary school (in which he will probably fit in...
  16. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    *wonders how in year 2030, at a tender age of 22, perhaps still in university, perhaps out of school and contributing in economy, or perhaps representing Singapore playing tennis at Wimbledon, whatever he may be doing, how is he and where can he find peace and quiet on a 6.9Million populated...
  17. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Uh-hum, so I'm very proud to say I don't need to bark at anyone at all! Uh-hum, plus, eboy is so independent that when it's time to sleep, he puts on his own socks, take his last pee, nite nite to us and head to his bed-all by himself!
  18. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Sorry I seem a bit grouchy today becuase I am very sick of Singapore's meritocracy education and social system that I am contemplating to leave this place for the benefit of my sanity and Eboy's future....
  19. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Btw, eboy could not button his clothes at all. he doesn't even know how to handle buttons. Reason being, he does not have a single piece of clothes that require buttons. he has been wearing shirts that goes in and out from his head. since day 1. So he has never been exposed to it. naturally...
  20. M

    (2008/07) July 2008

    BUt having said that, it is our job to make sure our kids get exposure and help them acquire life skills as early as possible. playground, independence skill etc. Eboy could bathe himself, brush his own teeth, change his clothes, pack his bag and get ready for school and tennis all by himself...
