am looking for 4-7 yrs old pre-school Chinese magazine or book, need to create an environment for my son to learn Chinese... any one can recommend? thank you..
My mother in law treats her son like a prince and treats me worse than a maid. She loves her son so much. But I am also a daughter of my parents, if her daughter is treated in the same way by her daughter's MIL, not sure how is her feeling? haha...
I heard boys normally are later than girls, usually start around 1 year old and are able to control it around 1 and half years old. Mummies, could you share your experience on how to train boys to control pee? thanks~
Thanks MdmKhoo. Tried to give different kinds of food to my boy, he finally takes a little bit of bread, bum or baby biscuit, still mainly depends on fomula....
When I feed my baby boy solid food, he refuges to eat and keeps crying, so I have to stop feeding him for solid food. Anyone has such experience and how do you deal with?
Thanks a lot~
Lots of babies around this age already have small tiny teeth, but my son still doesn't show any signal about that. can anyone help to advice me? thank you.
Ho Novi,
Can you let me know where is Cheong Choon? I always went to shopping mall, and would like to go to the shops not in shoping mall to have a look.
My boy is 7mth old and still doesn't know how to crawl, but he can manage the walker very well and go anywhere as he like [IMG=]