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    nu skin tra is a lie!!!

    My sil took and no result but my bil lost about 6kg but he is super on, didn't eat for dinner and eat light during lunch, all home cooked food, and he exercise everyday. Looking at what he has done, I think without TRA he is able to lost weight too. And true that some consultation is just out...
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    Breastfeeding Less than 6 months

    I do not understand why bf good is rubbish? if bf is not good, why all hospitals and doctors and experts encouraged mummies to breastfeed? There are so many studies that have proven the benefits of bf, also rubbish? I am really puzzled! why bonding through bf is rubbish too? bonding doesn't...
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    Looking for Helper for elderly care

    Hi Hi I am looking for a helper to take care my fil, if you have any transfer maids or good agencies in mind, do let me know. thanks
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    thanks morningstarz, now I dun really worry cos I did see he speaks more now, so unlikely he has speech prob :P.
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    Maternity Leave

    I took 12 weeks 1st and the balance 4 weeks used for vaccination, child sick, outing etc. But I think is really depending on yourself and your job.
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    Hi morningstarz, my son didn't skip crawling stage. Both of my children have good motor skill, they started to flip, sit, crawl, walk etc earlier. Especially my daughter who started to walk at 10 mth old and started to speak in proper full sentences before 2 yrs old. As for my son, he is coming...
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    Hi Kiernn, my son is attending a 3 hrs pre-nursery daily, he started since 2 Jan this yr. My gal already can speak well even before she attended Pre-N at 2 yrs old and before that, there was no other children at home since she was the only child b4 her brother was born.
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    hi angsc, I am worried when comparing to his elder sis he seem very slow, but since doctors and also his teacher assure me is normal so now I am ok, as long as he is progressing I am fine. Moreover he is only slow in speech, other areas he is fine, he is able to fix up 12 pcs puzzles by himself...
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    Hi Kiernn Yes I put my boy at pre-N in kindergarten since Jan, he speaks much better now but still not the full sentence and his pronunciation is not so accurate for some words. Well, since dr said is ok so I will just let him progress at his own pace lol.
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    2.5 yrs old boy not speaking

    my coming 2.5 yrs son very slow in speaking, he has no issue in his motor skill, super active boy and he has not prob listening to instruction, he understand every word from us. But he cannot speak well comparing to his elder sis, when at 2, she already spoke in completed sentence but for him...
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    Mother, Maid and Child Relationship.

    Hihi I am FTWM, both my kids are taking care by inlaws and helper during day time, both of them are very attached to me when I am at home especially my elder one, even she is now 10 yrs old. I put the credit to breastfeeding, I latched her on until she was 10 mth old, even I started work, I...
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    any baby cam recommendation?

    Hi xiaomayi, have you bought dlink baby cam already? my buddy is eyeing for it as she is due on may, so our group of friends thinking to share to get one for her. I saw from another forum that this baby cam is selling at special price in the it show, I may go and grab one. If I can take time off...
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    A low amniotic fluid during pregnancy

    that is a great news! take care!
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    any baby cam recommendation?

    hi xiaomayi, DCS-932L & DCS-522L, my husband said very easy to set up, think he used less than 15 mins. support wise not too sure cos so far the camera are well after 1 yrs+ , dun need any support yet.
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    A low amniotic fluid during pregnancy

    hi virgo, how many wks are you now? dr asked me to sleep at side way, try not to sleep facing upwards. And I cant remember from where I read that coconut water helps so I drank a lot and dunno is it coincidence, it did increased a bit of fluid during my next check up. Dr asked me what did I do...
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    Low Milk Supply

    my supply was low too from begining, as I was total breastfed, my son's jaundice even got worst cos of dehydration due to insufficient fluid. Thus, I need to bottle fed him to ensure he got enough supply. Thus from there, he refused to latch on, machiam I wanna kill him when trying to let him...
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    A low amniotic fluid during pregnancy

    I had this issue too when I was at about 35 weeks, had to go back clinic and check every few days. Tried all methods but still low so finally decided to induce when after 38 weeks, didnt want to take any chances.
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    Hi can buy the domperidone from any pharmacy the pharmacist counter, however I will suggest you to consult doctor 1st, subsequently then you can purchase from pharmacy.
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    Moldy Huggies Wipes. All Parents Please Check Your Huggies Wipes!!!

    oh no such bad customer service!!! can post your complains somewhere that can "attract" media attention?
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    any baby cam recommendation?

    woa the d-link baby cam looks and sound so cool, if launch earlier sure gonna crab one lol. too bad I already bought 2 ip cam from dlink. but definitely gonna show it to my colleague, she is giving birth soon!
