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    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Hi, Like to get the family of 6. I have transferred $38 to your posb account. Trans ref is 10171211811. Will pm you my address. Thanks!
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi MnM, I got the quote from freshbakes. They have a BP thread on this forum. They quoted me from $240 for a two tier cake for 40 persons.
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    I'm also thinking of getting 3D birthday cake for my boy. I have enquired and it costs $200+ for a cake! [IMG=] plus the amount for catering food, can easily be $600 - 700!
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi Twinklewen, I read from Annabel Karmel's book (she wrote quite a Number of books on baby food recipes) that cow's milk can be used in cooking. As long as its not given directly, it's okie. I think baby yoghurt is also made from cow's milk? I have been giving my boy those full fat...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi MnM, I usually buy those full fat Greek yoghurt from ntuc. As long as its not low or non fat, I think it's quite safe. Also, as my husband goes to US for work quite frequently, he will get Gerber's yoghurt for babies. Don't think it's being sold here though...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi Sharon and winny nowadays my boy is busy exploring the house so I'm busy keeping an eye on him also! He crawls so fast that sometimes I just turn my back and he went under the table or to the kitchen pulling the drawers! I gave my boy cheese when he was about 6-7 mths, so far so...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hello! My boy has just turn 9 mths a few days back! On one hand, I wish he can grow up faster but on the other, I know I will miss him being small and cuddly! Cos it will not be long before he will start running all over the place and don't want mummy anymore. :p He still can't sleep on...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi buzzingbee, I'm not sure that at this age, they can drink cow's milk (or any other milk product). So far it's been either breastmilk or formula for my boy [IMG=]
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi novmummy, Poor thing! It's heartbreaking to see the little one coughing non stop. You said the cough got better after visiting the doc but came back after a few weeks. Could it be some food that he eats? Maybe too cooling or heaty? As for weaning off the pacifier, my ex-colleague...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi novmummy, I keep them for not more than a month as suggested on Wholesomebabyfood website. Here's the link : [IMG=] Hi loveeveryday, good luck with the Ppo method! Just...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi bubblygeekypig, I used Elizabeth Pantley's Ppo method. Basically it's to let bb nurse while going to sleep but pull out before bb dozes off. Its to let bb slowly get to sleep without sucking. What I did is to let my boy suckle till he's sleepy or eyes are closed but I know he's not fully...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi Twinklewen, I'm also waiting for the day my boy can just go to sleep on his own! I wonder how long more must I wait... Lol! Hi hoppy, I agree with you that babies grow up so fast! That day I was just looking at my boy sleeping and I was thinking it was not too long ago that I could cradle...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi hoppy, I'm trying to put my boy down on the bed before he's totally asleep. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to pick him up again when he senses that I'm no longer carrying him. My boy is a catnapper. He only naps for half hour. On rare occasions, he will sleep about 1-1.5 hrs. I'm...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi mummies, Just to share : anyone has Annabel karmel's recipe book? I got it from my boy's godparents and has been cooking his food using the recipes. Food taste yummy though it's without any salt or seasonings. [IMG=] My pd...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Thanks for letting us know about the high chair offer, winny! But my hubby just went to buy the ikea high chair. [IMG=] My boy is having teeth! Just saw whitish part of his lower front teeth peeking out of the gums! So far he hasnt...
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi angeline, I used pigeon wide neck bottles. Found the shape of the nipples are shaped in a way that's easy for bf babies to transit to using bottles. [IMG=]
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi winny, Just googled oxo high chair. It's indeed exp! I'm thinking if I should just buy one from ikea cos my boy is naughty. Sometimes if he doesn't like mean he doesn't like. If I buy so expensive a chair then he doesn't want to sit in it, waste money.
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    I also planning to buy one. But haven't looked into it yet. What Is the brand you like, winny?
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    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    Hi everyone, Thnk there's a bug going around. My boy got fever and cough a couple of weeks back too. I bf direct so I don't know how much he drinks. I give him three meals and bf in between meals and at night. He still wakes up at night for feeds sometimes up to three times. Yawn... Pofy...
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    Advice needed - what do you do with your kids, SAHMs?

    Hi all! I'm so glad that I found this thread! I became a sahm to my 7 mth old boy cos my mil's still working (she has her own biz), my own mum is already helping my sis to look after her two kids, we don't want to send baby to infant and don't trust maid also. So gotta leave my job and...
