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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    OIC....all the best for your check up!!
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Congrats! You can get an appt so fast? Normally the recommended first visit to the gynae would be when you are abt 6/7 weeks along....coz by then a heartbeat would be heard. :)
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Who knows how to create a goggle spreadsheet so that we can update our contacts in as not to show our personal numbers here? Looks like more mummies are coming in already!
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    I tested on 1 Mar too!...hahah but I was 3 days late first appt gonna be on 20 Mar...Can't wait man!
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Do we wanna have a whatsapp chat group to chat easier than to log in here to chat? =D
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    u waited so long to test? haha...
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Where is PEH? so good got early appt!...i gotta wait till 20th
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Congrats!....another mummy of 4..... U just tested positive can so far see gynae already ah? Keep update k!
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Congrats! Wow mummy of 4!!....I only have 1 friend with 4 kids....seems like it's getting more common for 4 kids now.... Keep updated k....!
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    tingkat confinement food

    I'm also wanna look at tingkat confinement food. Wonder if they do food tasting before we place order.
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Hi! Congrats!...finally there's some movement here...haha I'll be going back to my gynae when I have my #1. He's Dr Benjamin Tham from TMC. Have scheduled the first visit on 20 Mar. How about you?
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    Nov 2018 Mummies

    Probably or not sure if too early for Nov'18 edd mummies. Just tested positive this morning and waiting for around 3rd week of March for first gynae visit. 2nd time mum here. Come say Hi! if there's other Nov'18 mummies.
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    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi snu, Im also seeing Dr Ben Tham. Is this ur #1 or #2?
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    (2014/09) September 2014

    I too noticed that. I just pass week 8 and i vomitted the cereal i had this morning. It was very disgesting as I need to take my vitamins too.
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    (2014/09) September 2014

    Hi All Mummies to be, I just join today and am going to be 8 weeks tomorrow. Just had my first gynae appt last thursday and was glad to know that I was 7 weeks 2 days when I thought I was only at Week 6. EDD is 9 Sep 2014. This is the first baby. So very very excited as been TTC for over 1...
