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    ** Longchamp Spree ** - A French

    Hi! I am interested in getting this: Item: Planètes Size: L (Long Handle) Colour: Black Can give me quote please? Thx!
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    Child Adoption

    Hi Angelbaby, I read your post and wanted to encourage you with my story which is a little similar - my husband was diagonised with renal disease (dialysis for 5 years) and I donated one of my kidneys to him. We successfully adopted a child 3 years ago. MCYS did have quite a lot of questions...
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    Child Adoption

    Hi ladies! so nice to see that this forum is so active again! I adopted a girl 3 years ago and was active in this forum back in 2008/9 then when baby came, no time to post liao! to those that have adopted, congratulations! Your family has come together in such a lovely and special way. It's...
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    Child Adoption

    Hi to all you out there! I adopted in 2009 n was a lot more active in the thread back then. I just wanna share that it's been a wonderful experience and wanna encourage all of you that are thinking of adoption or already in the process! All the best!
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    Child Adoption

    Hi Sunshineday! I dropped u a PM re: playdate. Hv a look?
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    Child Adoption

    Hi Mrs Ha, I completed my hsr in 2009 n if I remember correctly, yr assesor will contact imh on yr behalf 2 c if u hv any records with them, that's all. There wasn't a trip 2 imh nor were there any interview/qns by imh officers. Dun worry ok? All the best as u journey towards yr waiting child ;)
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    Child Adoption

    Just dropped in 2 say hello n saw the good news. Congrats Die!!!! I remember when u first came by this forum last year n here u r, a mother! Enjoy the amazing journey! But first, like u said, gotta adjust 2 being sleep deprived ;)
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    Child Adoption

    Hi everyone! Long time no post! Fantastic 2 read of so many new families! So happy for all the new mummies n daddies. N 2 the waiting families, all the best as u journey 2 the babies planned just 4 u! Googlebaby, I thot u mentioned that u r still doing up yr HSR application? I think u...
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    Child Adoption

    Congratulations Ka_y_la! Sounds like u decided on her name way b4! ;) yr enthusiasm n happiness is so obvious in yr post! 1 piece of advice-try n sleep well the nxt few days b4 bb arrives. I made the mistake of packing/cleaning till 3am the nite b4 bb came home n then the 2-3 hourly night...
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    Child Adoption

    Kayla! How exciting! I remember calling Alice on a tues last July n she had a bb girl coming in on that fri. That bb girl is now my 14mth old daughter ;) it was a whirlwind n the days were filled with excitement, a lot of prayer n plenty of decisions. Pls Noe that if n when u decide on baby...
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    Child Adoption

    Strawberrysusu, congratulations!!! Happy for u! Enjoy yr time with the lil one!
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    Child Adoption

    Die, she's the pretty tall one ;) Andrea, I got yr book fr Touch! But hvnt started on it ;( glad 2 hv y join the group! I used the She's priceless line once with an aunt n she responded with, "seriously, how much did u hv 2 pay?!" hahaha but that's cos my cousin has also been ttc -ing 4...
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    Child Adoption

    Hi everyone! Fantastic to see so many newcomers on this thread! And also so nice to hear of the progress of some of you! Hey Die! Glad that you’re starting on your adoption journey! I am so happy for you that the husband is so excited. It really helps and you both can fuel each other...
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    Child Adoption

    Hi everyone! Welcome Ashwin! I agree with the rest. If you've through the office interview and the home interview and just waiting for the officers to process the HSR then you probably can say yes to your little boy! Actually, since we haven't heard from you in a while, you may already be in...
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    Child Adoption

    mummyportia, btw, what you posted about your husby is terrible but terribly funny!!!
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    Child Adoption

    Vanilla_latte & Mrs Chou - welcome!!! So nice to have more mummies joining us. Vanilla_latte - Nice to have mummies with older babies here so I can ask for parenting suggestions and advice! Mrs Chou - is baby home with you already? I seriously think we should ask Alice to cook us ALL...
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    Child Adoption

    Janella! Congratulations!!!!!!!! So happy 4 u. Yes yr life will really never ever be the same again! Enjoy her now. This newborn phase passes really quickly... Too quickly. I never understood it back then but now I do. Sweeclo's baby is no longer the youngest! Strawberrysusu, glad 2 hear...
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    Child Adoption

    Hello everyone! Wah, haven't logged onto this forum in a long time and so nice to find new friends here! Welcome! Nicole - congratulations! So happy to read you've got a bb girl in your life! I hope this new journey brings you many many moments of pure joy! I smiled when I read your post...
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    Child Adoption

    ineedmiracle - why not just check with the agency doing your HSR if you need to include photo of extended family? We live with our parents in their home so i submitted a pic of all of us and they also interviewed everyone who stayed under the same roof.
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    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch - heh heh. I have many days when I think of adopting #2 but equally many days that deter me from adopting #2 haha! I recently looked back on photos of dd when she was 3-4 mths old and she was so sweet and still and infant-like. Now, she's everywhere and definitely not still and...
