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  1. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    so long didnt come in and didnt know that so many new mommies here. my girl edd was 20 Dec but she born on 30 Nov. Would like to join you all in Fb. my email [email protected]
  2. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Xiaoping, my appt is 2.15pm as i will go there straight after half day work. I'm thinking to bring my boy since he on school holiday..
  3. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    XiaoPingGuo & SZ, Count me in..although i stay in tampines but i almost every evening will be at eunos as ILs look after my boy. and XiaoPing, my edd is 20 Dec and seeing Dr heng too..[IMG=]
  4. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    mamaAsh, Thanks for the details. It's really clear and i will ask my SIL help me to do one since she have sewing machine. Jacqueline, When is your next check up? mine is 05 Sept.. did u sign on fb?
  5. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    mommies, found a bulk purchase on bean sprout pillow...
  6. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    mamaAsh, can share the details of the pillow? during my #1, my mum did one for my boy but it's small & heavy thus cant use to place on his chest. I would like to know the dimension & how much beansprout husk should we have?
  7. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Zmama, besides baby kingdom, u also can see capella stroller at Kiddy palace..
  8. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    hi mommies, found some useful article from my folder, maybe some of you might interested. Wendy, so sad & sorry to hear abt your loss. Pls take good care of yourself and stay strong... and have a good rest. *hugz*
  9. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Wendy, Jia you and remember to have ample rest..
  10. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    stardust, not neccessary. I use pigeon steriliser with Avent milk bottles..
  11. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    CP, yeah..totally agree with you. I also bought Pigeon sterilizer 5 years ago, and only stop using this year. but check out the condition, hopefully still good in use. I bought 'The Little Prince' cot bedding from Aussino for #1, quite like it.. Walker- but my boy only use walker abt 2mths...
  12. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Really hard to catch up all the postings...[IMG=] On steriliser - Jacqueline,stardust, I still prefer steriliser because after washing milk bottles, you just place all the milk bottles into steriliser and do not need to bother how...
  13. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    AC/P L, Mine is diff. last week my hb suggest to buy milk bottles..etc. I told him still early, wait till sept/oct then start buying...[IMG=] even my #1, i also start buying after reach 6 mths...
  14. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jac, still can save $$..cos you still can use the small milk bottle sto store breast milk... for sterilizer, found that Pigeon & NUK are good. mine is Pigeon, can hold 6 bottles and used for 4 years still in good condition. Check out Taka bb fair, now they like to sell in buddle which...
  15. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    just a quick one... Jac, there are 3 choices of milk bottle & teat which my firend mommies usually buy : Avent, Pigeon & NUK, buy those BPA free one..i buy 120ml for new born then when my son 5-6mths old, i bought 220ml or 260ml for Avent..
  16. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jac/Cloud942, can give me the gmarket website which you all bought the maternity legging/ pants? stardusst25, You intend to leave maid at home w/o any supervise? why not share the maid wif ur mil? gbh, i know that SAHM will be more busy once kids grow up with pick to/from the kids...
  17. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jacqueline, if the itch ard tummy area, dun scratch cos will cause more scratch marks...usually if really itcy, i just rub with my fingers prevent more scatch marks.. Ace, yup...tell bb open leg wide, so that mommy can know gender then can prepare bb item for...
  18. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jacqueline, yes..i'm seeing Dr. Heng and my next appt will b 8 Aug. already booked my detailed scan which scheduled on 17/08 afternoon. How abt u? hmm...dun resign now, if not you cant enjoy the 4 mths benefit lel.. Dun look dow at kids nowsday, my son at 1 year old already master all...
  19. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jacqueline, yeah..i understand. that's y i cant afford to be SAHM unless i have enough $$ for me to spend. [IMG=] usually my mommies friends planned for 2 years gap between #1 & #2. so that they can rest in mind.. I just...
  20. M

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Jacqueline, sometimes taka baby fair have good buy. so check it out..[IMG=]
