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  1. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I can't wait to give birth.. The weight of the baby, the heartburn, the swollen feet, backaches and pain is making me so miserable. Haven been having good sleep for many many nights..
  2. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hello mummies, I have a question to ask.. How do I know if my waterbag is leaking? My panties seems to be a little wet but I am not sure if it's leakage from my waterbag or just vaginal discharge.
  3. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Chewie, I have submitted my wishlist for osk kosh to you. Do you do spree for polo ralph too?
  4. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hello all mummies.. Finally got a chance to drop by here after a week plus. Have been tied up with tons of work and also down with a cough and a backache and pulled muscles on my thigh. I have been feeling very very tired too. Couldn't concentrate on my work and can't think at all. Have...
  5. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Kome, the packaging which is light blue and white? ? If so, the price have really gone up.. remember its not so ex 4 yrs ago when I bought for my gal.
  6. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chewie, I have PM you already. Please let me know the amount so I can tfr you $$ together with the carters order thanks a lot.
  7. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chewie,I have a curretn carters order with you. Can you find my records?
  8. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chewie, I would like to order 6 storage bottles? Let me know the amount so that I can transfer you the $$$. Thanks so much.
  9. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chewie: Am I still in time to order the Medela bottles?
  10. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Chewie, I have PM you on the Medela breast pump.
  11. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Chewie, I have place an order and is pending for fund transfer now. You take in orders for Medela breast pump too?
  12. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    chewie, If i wanna buy things from carters, I just need to fill in the form following the link u have attached?
  13. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    hello all mummies, Woah.. seems like many have started thinking of names and bought baby stuffs already. I have not done so and come to think of it, our due date is like another 3 to 4 mths time only. I am sourcing on breast pumps now and decided on Medela breast pumps. Just to check...
  14. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Janiz, can share with us the contact for the post natal massage?
  15. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I feel so much bigger and clumsy nowadays. And my walking speed also slow down a lot. Seems that I need to used a lot of energy to walk just a short distance. I am also have backache and leg cramp problem. My feet feels cold n numb at times especially at night when i sleep in aircon room.
  16. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Good morning all mummies Is it safe to consume Domperidone during breast feeding? Will there be any side effects?
  17. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Mabelths: Thanks Thanks in advance. Please email me the breastfeeding ebook. [email protected]
  18. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Mabelths: Yup Yup I want.. Please send me a copy of the breast feeding ebook. Finally tmr i can see baby again.. Its seems to be a long wait since the detailed scan before CNY.
  19. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Mabelths: Thanks for the info, I will check out the link u have recommended too. Hopefully this time i can breastfeed longer cos the last time i only breastfeed for 3 months cos I was frustrated with the breast pump so have decided to invest in a good one this time round.
  20. C

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I saw a lot of recommendation for medela & philips too.. Was browsing the forum and came across this link.. however the pumps are from Europe so need another adapter.
