Hi, i would like to order the following:
1. Peppa pig dessert plate 7" - qty: 1 $2
2. Peppa Pig Beverage Napkins 16ct 5in x 5in Paper Napkins Qty: 1 $2.02
3. Peppa Pig Cups...
Hi, is it posible to order this. Please kindly estimate the shipping cost as well.
Hi, is there free shipping for this?
Hi Mummies, sorry to interupt. I've got approx 100pcs (44pcs /pkt)of Huggies S size gg for $20. Self Collect at katong area. Do PM me if you are interested.
Hi I'm letting go 4 pkts of small size huggies (3pkts of 44 and 1 pkt 66pcs) all at $50. Self collection. Pls let me know if you are interested. My email add is [email protected]
Hi, have been a silent reader all these while.
Have you gals engage your confinement lady?
Feimei, i understand that you have a compiled list of confinement ladies contact. Would you be able to email it to me @ [email protected]