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  1. G

    Thermos Spree(Amazon)Funtainer bottle/ Food Jar Batch 39

    Hi, wish to get following items. please email cost and arrangements as will not follow thread. Thanks [email protected] (2 units)...
  2. G

    ADVICE NEEDED: Baby Refuse To Drink Milk

    ever tried upgrade teat size, might be frustrated from sucking and milk too slow.
  3. G

    Anyone has any baby items to give

    wow... alot of FOC can open baby shop, sell and earn money
  4. G

    Any recommendation for milk warmer?

    hot water ina bigger mug does fine.
  5. G

    ADVICE NEEDED: Baby Refuse To Drink Milk

    my bb is 6 months and had gone throu this. trick i find is letting him look at something moving or a repeated nursery rhyme then he would drink. but jsut as the bottle is finishing, he will struggle. drinking 125ml now at 6 months, 6 times a day. not checking this thread
  6. G

    3.5 month old Baby Behavioural Changes

    erm, i just looked up on jing feng san, its quite harmful tho many parents still feed.... may i suggest you change her teat to next level in case the milk flow too slow for her and she gets frustrated/ tired of sucking and not fast enough to filling her tummy
  7. G

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    thnx - tho heard not to feed cereal thru bottles? most times bb just super awake at 4am playing and not hungry coz never finish milk. 4-7am start tossing and turning. i repeatedly go to him and put back his pacifier, he toss nt urn and drop out again. last night he kept flopping his legs...
  8. G

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    and i need serious help! bb not sleeping thru night... K O ard 7-8pm then i dreamfeed at 11pm, then he will make noise for another feed ard 3-6am. most times even after the early am feed, he still stirs untill 7am till fully awake. can expert yishun mummies whom have survived this time...
  9. G

    Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

    hi - can i join.... Oct 2011 mummy blk 437 - near yishun dam son 5 mth
  10. G

    Any Yishun mummies club??

    hello! blk 437 near yishun dam son now 5 months
  11. G

    Any one that didn't keep baby's cord blood?

    if we never arrange to save, is it not automatically donated?
  12. G

    Am i really going to spend the rest of my life with this man?

    this is ABUSE get out of it. NOW
  13. G

    Advice needed from Pet-owners: Is this a cruel decision to make?

    i have a cocker and she is gonna be 2 yrs soon. just had a baby, he is 4month plus now. intially during preggy, hb wanted to let doggie go. adoption etc. saying bad for bb. he was the dog lover in the first place. felt very pressuered and did ask ard but i still couldnt bear to let her go...
  14. G

    Any good playgroup/childcare in yishun for recommendation

    wth!!! did u take further action with OCC?
  15. G

    (Advise Needed) Gina Ford's Baby Sleeping Method

    hi metta its always very promising that theres a one for all method.. i am reading on baby whisperer. but reality is all babies are different and all babaies change habits all the time. i too wish for a text book baby and just apply the rules and that all will be easy. ur bb still...
  16. G

    Any mummies do Brazilian Wax when preg?

    i did in last trimester n nearer to pop date... cleaner and after natural birth, doc do stiching and heal pretty fast. done at STRIP they will make u sign some form coz preggie. its all ok ah , climb up bed abit tricky coz high..
  17. G

    A low amniotic fluid during pregnancy

    mine also running low around 37 weeks and baby not much space. overdue and induced at 41 weeks coz bb also not gaining anymore weight while inside. birthweight 3kg. Winston - very sorry to hear that. now a year on, i hope all is well with u and ur wife.
  18. G

    4months old refuse to sleep

    this thread inactive ---- wonder how all your babies are doiing now. must be 1-2 years old already. now its my turn for nightmare nights
  19. G

    (2011/10) Oct 2011

    WATER BASED VACUUM i bought Rainbow - $2k+ costly but worth it as first generation model served my mom for 30 years before it conked out. water based vacuums better as can trap dustmites. coz i have dog so can suck up furs and all around me is BTOs very dusty. CRADLE CAP i bought...
  20. G

    (Advise Needed) Gina Ford's Baby Sleeping Method

    i dun mind waking up to feed. i hate the repeated stirring up every 15 min or so from 4-7am.
