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  1. A

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies and daddy, mothercare flagship store at habourfront only has the sale. Swimwear can join spree, 'konfidence' has thermal swimwear I feel good for infants [IMG=] mothercare swimwear has only 15% off.
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    Hi mummies, just wanted to share. Mothercare having huge sales! 30% discount + 15% storewide! Alot of clothes on sale! They have daily specials as well on selected items like carseats, breastpumps, strollers etc. Today I spent hours there!
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, just wanted to share. Mothercare having huge sales! 30% discount + 15% storewide! Alot of clothes on sale! They have daily specials as well on selected items like carseats, breastpumps, strollers etc. Today I spent hours there!
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies and dads, havent logged in for the longest time.. hope everyone is coping fine. managed to quickly go thru the thread. diapers i've used nepia, huggies dry, dry comfort, ultra, pampers, drypers, fitti basic and MP. All have their good points. I used nepia for NB/S. cos the...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    xin2 how frequent is the tightening? MIL i used to get very frustrated too when i get such comments esp regarding breastfeeding, until i realised, jus feign ignorance is the best. Will be easy for us to focus on more impt things and doesnt get us worked up. BF is tough already on its...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hello mummies [IMG=] Thanks for all the comments on maids, i'm still hunting [IMG=] Angeli Catering Must-have! ----> Curry + Black Pepper Beef!! yums~ BBlin...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Catering i second angeli catering as well. i've used them for my wedding in '06 and my #1's 1yo party in '09 and they have still maintained their standard. Food is yummy, quality is good, quantity is just nice if not generous. HTHs...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Morning mummies [IMG=] Need some advise, anyone has maid agency to recommend? and please share your thoughts or experience with filipino and myanmar maids. I'm torn which to choose from and from which agency.. sigh
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    <font color="cc3366"> hello mummies, reporting live from mt a, woke up to bf and now cnt get back to sleep.. I've delivered yday morning Birth story 3.19am - 1st signs of contractions 5am - called hotline was told to admit 6am - acc hb to mac for bf 655am - admit to mt a , 4 cm...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    My birth story 3rd oct -ADD 11th oct - EDD 3.19am - 1st signs of contractions 5am - called hotline was told to admit 6am - acc hb to mac for bf 655am - admit to mt a , 4 cm dilated 736am - given enema to clear bowels 820am - epidural administered 906am - dr choo arrived...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hello mummies, I've delivered this morning at mt a and this place is packed!! Is today a hot date?? I was waiting in the delivery ward for almost 3hrs after I delivered jus to be pushed to my ward. Hubby was telling me I had to Q up -.-
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Zebra I also had my #1 in MAH, and my midwife was a phil and also looked young. I was very pleased with her compared to the other nurses. She was very gentle and re-assuring. So i guess, it really depends.
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Morning Mummies and Daddies [IMG=] Congrats to those who have delivered [IMG=] Went for check-up yday and baby is 2.6kg @ 38weeks. No signs yet... Guess i'm...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Groovy2009 Oh woah, next will be you! R u excited ? princess_d, starry, Shin, Ade Thanks for the welcome! [IMG=]
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    <font color="cc3366"> Hello KiKi, havent yet wor... last checked @ 37 weeks she's 2.5kg. Tmr gg to see gynae again.. She's not engaged yet and i'm not dilated. omg, i can't imagine the bf cycle lor.. pump, wash, sterilise, feed... dreading it.. </font>
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Thanks mummies for the warm welcome. [IMG=] I'm in my 38th week liao, tmr will go and see baby again. This is my #2.. last week she was 2.5kg.. hopefully she's put on more weight after all the mooncake. I've been craving for...
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    <font color="cc3366">Morning Mummies, have a great week ahead! </font>
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Congrats to all mummies who have delivered, enjoy motherhood! [IMG=]
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hello mummies and daddies, Have been a silent reader, also expecting in Oct.. after reading so many have popped over the weekend, suddenly feel excited ! [IMG=]
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    <font color="CC3366"> Hello mummies, just to drop by quickly to share, for mummies giving Wakodo, there's a promo here! </font>
