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  1. M

    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    wow rabbit.. the kiasuparent link is 65 pages long!! wahaha.. i must take a few days or nights to read first, then can comment, ok
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    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    hi rabbit again! haha.. a bit paiseh to be off topci here again. thanks for sharing the links. never seen the book before but will go check out the odnata. where can you buy odonata series? thanks in advance! I know this chinese reader 四五快读 because tamarind (another forum mummy) recommended this...
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    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Dear Rabbit, thanks for sharing your views too. Hmm.. maybe your personal experience was not pleasant. Can't comment cos ours have been very pleasant so far. Even emails exchanges are polite and professional. She sent me emails a few times with feedback on what my gal been doing in class and...
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    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Hi rabbit, my gal is 5. your son is 4 right? I guess for every class and programme, there are always some parents who will like and find them beneficial and others who think they are not suitable. In our case, my hub and I love the class and teacher a lot. We have seen more benefits on our...
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    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Hi Goddess, the website for the lapbooking class is www.****************.com. The teacher is Shirley and her email address is also on the website. you can read more about the lapbooking classes on the website. Hope this helps! Better hurry if you are keen to enrol your gal as her classes fill up...
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    Advice to Parents whose children are going to Pri 1

    Have you considered taking him to check with specialist? Sometimes kids have learning difficulties which can only be identified with specialists. Early intervention is best in such cases. By the time they are in K2, especially end K2, most cases with no learning difficulties should be able to...
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    Any comments for Little Neuro Tree LNT?

    Actually i don't understand the draw of a child learning 3 languages but on same content. isn't shichida better in terms of programme?
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    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Rabbit, one more comment.. actually I must say besides having the knowledge to teach, parents must also create the right lapbooking activities in order to build the skills. Now that I have seen my gal's finished lapbooks from this programme, I must say it is DIFFERENT from those free...
  9. M

    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Rabbit, we are in a weekend class. :> Sorry don't want to be too specific yet. My gal doesn't read Peter & Jane anymore cos she hates them. I used to fret about phonics as there just doesn't seem to be progress no matter what she learnt in school, from me or enrichment. But now after...
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    Advice needed. Mindchamps or Schichida method?

    Yinnie, I agree with you about the commercial aspects of the enrichment classes these days. I will be so mindful if the enrichment centre has a very nicely decorated venue at premium location and advertising aggressively. All these cost money, so it must come from our school fees. Hard to...
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    Advice to Parents whose children are going to Pri 1

    XY Gal, have you tried teaching her yourself, at least with the basic like the 26 letters and work with her writing of simple 3-letters words? Then let private tutor coach her on more advanced stuff. Reading is more important than writing, and she should be able to form her letters from memory...
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    Advice to Parents whose children are going to Pri 1

    XY Gal, have you tried teaching her yourself, at least with the basic like the 26 letters and work with her writing of simple 3-letters words? Then let private tutor coach her on more advanced stuff. I think reading is more important than writing if she is already 6, but she should be able to...
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    Attn : SAHMs - How did you decide? Any regrets?

    yeyeparent, it does sound absurd to lock up a child and get on with reading. If a child doesn't listen, then continuing reading to him will futile. That doesn't improve concentration span, but will only backfire and makes him associate reading with negative feelings. Just keep on reading and...
  14. M

    I Can Read - Anyone tried?

    Pam, my gal is also attending the same lapbooking class. Totally agree with the general knowledge part. Previously my gal can read a few words because of peter and jane series, but after a while she lost interest. she attended I CAN READ for a term but I don't like the teachers there and she...
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    Advice on BERRIES

    i understand from friends that berries are better for nursery level and for k2 onwards, better to go to tien hsia. anyone has done the switch when your kids are older,please share comments. how are berries more fun? thanks
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    Glenn Doman Flash Cards Vs Shicida Method

    hot chocolate, i pm you if it is still available. thanks.
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    12 months old can take probiotics?

    actually probiotics do not help immune system to prevent cold and cough, but more for strong digestive system. try baby yogurt for natural probiotic. bananas do not have probiotic but is good for regulating bowel movement and prune juice also good.
