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    Braces for 7 year old child

    Hi Mummies, I need some advice. The school dental advise us to bring our child to dental hospital for further assess to my son's upper tooth which is not properly grow and may require URA (Upper Removal Appliance) so we brought him to KTP hospital for further assess. True enough, my son require...
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    (2019/05/29) Factory Price - Windows/ Grilles/ Gates/ Repairs

    Hi, Please me a quote for shower screen door. The length is about 147cm. Height is164cm
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi mummies, Its been a long long time since I been here to chat... I start to know that we actually have to apply PV when the kids turn 4... Dun noe will they attend me when I submit the application form. Hi Anmy, Which school did you apply?
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    Baby less than 6 months old sleeping in "Yao lan".

    Hi Just to share, my 2 kids sleep in yao lan too. My son auto kick off in sleeping in yao lan when he was ard 7 or 8 months old. I have just stopped my daughter sleeping in yao lan. Now she is in 18 motnhs... Initally is difficult but in 2 weeks time, she get used to it liao...
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    Feel violated by Gyne...

    mi too never experience this before... hmm when i did the pap smear with him he oso din check my breasts too... is it a norm to check breasts together wif pap smear???
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    Hi Rachel, sorry to hear what had happen to ur girl... My baby are seeing the PD in TMC too.. Can u PM me the PD name. Thanks & Take Care
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    Any Porridge Recipies to Share??

    Hi Thumbprint Can you PM me the link as well Thank you so much.
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    When is the next Baby Fair?

    Yup think bb fair start today till 2 Sept @ taka
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    Hi Just wondering does anyone knows of a part-time maid tat is willingly to cook simple meals like fish porridge or pork porridge + washing of clothes.
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    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi Tracy, Just happen to drop in and saw u selling ur clips.. How much are u selling ah... all ur clips are so pretty and nice...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Jasmine, I like pic 1 looks so cute and nice but for passport think pic 2 is better cos can see his feature better.. BTW doing passport for bb is no longer tag along wif either one of the parent liao huh??? Aspialle U r not alone mi too have this feeling... Ever since bb is born our...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi mommies, Been a while since my last log in. Wow 2 mommies going for a holiday. So nice. Remember to take more photos ya.. BB flipping Aiyo My bb still cant flip well leh only can turn side away or manage to turn the whole body but hand kanna stuck in front of his tummy Solid...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Mommies, Long time din log in liao & the posting is going real fast... no time to read all but manage to scan through them.. BB Photos Wah so many cute bb photos.. and Selina is doing a montage on tummy tum tum... aiya i missed this time rd when is the nxt theme i wanna to submit mine...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    oh btw any mommies record down the progranmme bao bei yi bu yi bu lai???
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Jo Ur bb clothings are so sweet... where did u get them?? Selina ur caleb is so cute.. he looks very happy on his high chair hor.. how old is ur boy ah??? he looks very steady leh... crystallized u dun be upset ya... last weekend my boy oso like tat when i feed him wif milk he will...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Esther Yes tat is the jap im asking... so how many japs is he taking for this??? 4??? How old is J?? 4 months already??? Selina haha u so funny if this let my mil knows sure kanna scolding cos she is the type of person can dun give better dun give y let bb suffer the pain... but i think is...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    ok heng!!! at least some mommies here share the same view as mi... wat abt the other wan cant remember the spelling... is the bro sitting on the wheechair den sister asking why her bro like tat?? have u all given during birth or u all wait till 1 yr old???
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Selina & Wei Kuan Thanks for the info.. CC is quite near to my work place... must go there one of these days... Btw any mommies give their bb rotavirus injection???
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Crystallized, No lar i dun talk back to mil, anything i not happy i will tell my hubby den let my hubby talk to her... Selina when u stretch Caleb feeding time, dun he fuse??? My boy cannot leh... i tried to stretch his time before but his stomach very accurate wan once reach 2.5 to 3 hrs...
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    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Crystallized, hehehe... thanks wor.. now he dun drink 3.5oz liao only can drink 2.5 to 3oz, when force him to drink, he will 'pretend' to choke.. *faint*, ya i agree so long he can finish up his milk, i will do anything loh... but my mil thinks other ways.. i still cant understand y i cant...
