Search results

  1. carebear29

    WTB Hamster Cage & Accessories

    Looking for a *good-condition hamster cage for my son's pet hamsters which he have adopted. Open to both blue and pink cages, and accessories. Please email pictures to [email protected], or post on this thread. Open to self-pickup. Grateful. * No rust, cracks or creaky parts please.
  2. carebear29

    Exams finally over!!! Hippee ...

    Exams finally over!!! Hippee ...
  3. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

  4. carebear29

    Love Life

    Love Life
  5. carebear29

    rainbow-abby 20% off Victoria secrets

    Hi Abby, Transfer done to 118-45094-9 Amount S$100.00 Transaction Reference 9852318665
  6. carebear29

    rainbow-abby 20% off Victoria secrets

    Nick: Carebear29 Collection: Sembawang MRT Email: PM you Hp No: PM you, Whatsapp 1) Item Name: Sheer Babydoll URL: Color: Neon fuchsia Qty: 1 Size: XS Alternative if OOS (out...
  7. carebear29

    Mayuki(Tokyo Fashion) Fast Spree - Waiwai

    Nickname: Carebear29 Email: [email protected] Collection mode: Self collection Item #1 Item number: 1024996 Item name: 織花點點棉質睡衣組 桃粉 F URL: Colour: Pink Size: F Quantity: 1 Price (NT): 450 Alternative if OOS: Drop...
  8. carebear29

    Comics: Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer (SGD61.00 incl Reg post)

    Hi Comics, Batch 19 - Thanks, received the registered mail package in good order! God bless!
  9. carebear29

    Comics: Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer (SGD61.00 incl Reg post)

    Batch 19: To Account POSB Savings 284-93042-8 Comics_Braun Amount S$15.29 Transaction Reference 6555980136 Will PM you the address for the registered mail. Thanks!
  10. carebear29

    Comics: Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer (SGD61.00 incl Reg post)

    Hi Comics, I've made payment on 26 Jan, pls chk. Thks!
  11. carebear29

    Comics: Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer (SGD61.00 incl Reg post)

    Hi Comics, Apologies, haven't logged on for past few days. I've just transfer the amount S$54.36. Pls check. I can be pm/reached at [email protected], thanks! Transaction Reference 6483406001
  12. carebear29

    Comics: Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer (SGD61.00 incl Reg post)

    Pls email me if you plan to start a new batch. Tks! [email protected]
  13. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi, pauline, it's best not to complaint too often, I've a friend who used to run a CC, but gave up the biz cos too difficult to get committed teachers. She said we really shouldn't complain cos if the teacher is revengeful, "God help the kid" ... the thought of that statement scares me ...
  14. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    I just noticed MTDT ... you preggy again!!! Congrats!!!
  15. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    MTDT, yes and no ... I hinted to the "new & really young" Centre Supervisor (early 20s), she didn't seems to understand nor care ... I feel she's placed in the Sup role as they needed someone who is a "Grad in Early Childhood" but she isn't able to command respect among d teachers &amp...
  16. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Pardon my ignorance ... hee ... what is LV@RP? Which CC is it? Yes, many many horror stories. The one abt the swimming pool is bad enough. Gosh! Now, the mention of "school", Mathius will shout "I don't want to go to school." My hubby is "chiding" me for startg him too young ... "( I'm...
  17. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi Pauline, I realised you've "updated" almost everything on Odyssey in the previous page of the thread ... so I didn't pm you in the end ... thanks for sharing! ') Oh, in case, I MIA for so long, you forgotten about me ... our kids attended GUG together, my son (Mathius) is the naughty boy...
  18. carebear29

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi ladies ... how is everyone? I popped by the forum once a blue moon, but rarely join in the chat but definitely saw a lot of new babies being born ... congrats congrats! (Confession ... Actually, I'm in the forum, but mainly on the overseas spree threads ... "P ) Paula dearie, I'm going to...
  19. carebear29

    Anybody tried Character Montessori Playgroup

    Hi tweety, To my surprise, we both shared about the same experience, and worst is mine is over in CM AMK ... I hope the management will realise it.
