Search results

  1. maybb

    [B]bold[/B] Skin / Cosmestic / Hair Products suitable for pregnant women & everyone else Marysharon Face Mask, Emulsion, Essence, Mositurising Mist, BB Cushion, Lip balm & Lip tint & many more..... MarySharon is a joint-venture between top engineers in China and researchers of Estee Lauder in France after five years of research and development and...
  2. maybb

    May 2017 Mummies

    Hello mummies, this is my 3rd pregnancy EDD 02 May 2017. My gynae is Dr Ben Choey. I look like 3month preggy some pant unable to button up le. Sad:(
  3. maybb

    Too tired, should I change job?

    Hi All, I started working in this company about 1yr and 9month. We are a small company of 7person include manager. We always feedback and this problem is still unsolved, regarding working hours. We work 9.8 hrs per day, is that too long? I am wondering. As Singapore MOM rule is 44hours per...
  4. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    My milk supply is getting less each day. Dunno is becoz of the stress level or what is happening.... Feel stress about it, but I still can supply her at least 1 time each day. These few day, my bb kind of cranky. Dun wan slp in the noon keep making noise and cry, at night after 10pm also. My...
  5. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hi allenhui, if your wife wanna latch baby can buy nipple shield is for inverted nipple (buy this brand Ardo) coz the thickness of the shield is the thinner.
  6. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Mount A charge epidural between 500plus to 700 plus.
  7. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    They do provide but the back is kinda open, unless u stay in 1 bedded. I agree with Lynnie0803 get nursing dress with front open. Easy to go toilet change pad and pee and also easy to breastfeed. Bring at least 2 set of g Nursing dress. Also rem to bring ur bb mitten, swaddle and clothes. The...
  8. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Congratz to all mummies who had delivered. Was busy pumping and ease engorged breast. Today got the lactation consultant help me to ease the engorgement. Hard like apple. Sad my bb ger dun wan latch on me.... :( no choice hv to pump out for her. Only 4 days old and she drank 60ml. I...
  9. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Wah.... 3.2kg. My first was 3.3kg.... it took more than 12hr to pop out....
  10. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Jia you to the rest of mummies still waiting for the little to come to the world.....
  11. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    I was hoping 18 dec haha.... but she decide the day she wanna see the world
  12. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Bb weight is fine 2.9kg juz nice the size for natural vaginal birth.
  13. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Yeah.... bb pop out be4 7am. Consider fast... push 3 time haha... thanks all for the regards.
  14. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Think my bb ger prefer to be born out on 17th Dec. Haha.... Being having contraction pain since 2am till now. Initial was 15-20min, but now seem closer like 5-10min. I going to prepare and do last min checking and shower before head to hospital. Feel like eating Mac breakfast....
  15. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hi tazf17, ya that is wat I think of. My hubby and me had decide to induce on this Friday. Now need to discuss with gynae the timing for admission.
  16. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Doc mentioned everything seem ok but scare baby is in distress during deliver.
  17. maybb

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Today went for check up at 39w2d. Baby weight drop from 3.1kg to 2.7kg. Last scan is last friday. Anyone have this problem? Gynae advise me to do induce. Any suggestion! Altho this is my 2nd, but I din encounter weight drop during my 1st one.
  18. maybb

    Your Delivery Charges For Doctors...

    Hi All, JTS My current gynae is Dr Ben Choey from SBCC Clementi, his package and delivery charge in full details here. (Fee Before GST 7%) From 12 weeks gestation - $800 From 16 weeks gestation - $720 From 20 weeks gestation - $650 From <12 weeks - 34 weeks gestation (for patient who will...
  19. maybb

    JTS: For Mummy to Be

    She charge me $80 for pre-natal massage coz I am mamamiya member (a shop located at JP selling maternity stuff). Post natal you can check with her. She do house visit. She will help you check on the breast (nipple) if you have flat nipple or inverter nipple and she will advise what to do. She...
  20. maybb

    fLooking for day time nanny in sengkang feb/mar 2016

    Hi Blessed Jane, you can contact Christina 90102356. She may be able to help you. Good luck.
