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  1. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    pinky, I'm still ard... just more of a silent reader as my girl wants to be carried all the time :p Babies are like that... it's hard to have fixed timings, so just have to follow their cue and this phase will pass before you know it, just like those 9 months :) For the first month, my girl was...
  2. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, 2-3 litres is a lot! I do drink water during the day when I was working, but at most 3 cups haha... and have to sip during the day, cannot drink too much at one shot. So I will also drink coffee, milo, liang teh, soya bean, etc etc. Good thing my body is the liang type, so I can drink lots...
  3. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    pinky, warm water will also make me have reflux... I think maybe I will continue making the longan red date tea, just more diluted so that it's not so heaty. blue-black sounds like you bruised the flesh... take it easy for a while and it recover, else quite hard to tell whether it's engorgement...
  4. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, so did your #1 have meltdown at night yest? My #1 was also like that at 2yo when she went without a nap. I'm lucky that many of the friends that I invited have kids around the same age as #1, so they had a blast! I think my #1 enjoyed the party most of all haha... I'm also glad that...
  5. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, I noticed after full month my girl seems to be more awake during the day, then after she start yawning, she will start to cry cos cannot go to sleep on her own! She fell asleep after her last feed just now so I put her back in the cot. 10min later, I heard some sound so went to check on her...
  6. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    febie, xian, only first 8 weeks of ML need to be consecutive right? So if the rest of ML is flexi, can siam all the public hols haha... That's what I plan to do, clear 8 wks ML, then clear my 2013 AL, then clear another 8 wks ML! priscilla, I work in a research env so my boss more chin chye...
  7. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    febie, no lar, he ask me quite nicely if I can help so more like a favor since we have been colleagues for many years liao! Some more he let me take 6 mths off... and can extend my maternity leave even more :D I'm thinking of going back in the afternoon maybe twice a week so I will pump 1 time...
  8. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    wah febie, very detailed! Looks like I need to use this soon, my boss asked if I can go to work a couple of days to discuss a new project. SN, I got my office laptop at home but not as much time to sit in front of it haha... and typing on the little phone screen is a pain! So I mostly read the...
  9. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    blessmum, glad to hear that! Now you can plan for the full month! Yesterday we brought baby along for my 1 mth checkup at KKH, and went to NEX for lunch after that. Maybe due to over-stimulation or poor feeding/sleeping outside, she was super fussy the whole evening and gave us hell until 11pm...
  10. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    Wenhui, my total weight gain about 18 or 19 kg. Waterbag broke suddenly so last weight taken was 17.5kg at 2wks before. Priscilla, thanks for the contact! Jaundice will cause bb to be more sleepy, but still need to wake them up for milk regularly. Wow u mummies are good at handsfree pumping...
  11. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    Seems like I'm the first one here to celebrate full month already! We celebrated last Sunday, at 28 days. Just a simple affair at my place, we catered buffet for 70 pax, and bought ang yee from full house. My mum diy the red eggs :) Can someone give me the contact for mdm Ida? Does she charge...
  12. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, fuzzybear, men will be men lor, plus he see I can manage by myself... at least he still handle my #1 and wash the diapers and #1's clothes! Good thing this #2 is quite "easy" to manage during the day so I can get some rest in the afternoon. fuzzybear, 180ml is a lot! That's what my 4yo #1...
  13. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    blessmum, my girl did the phototherapy at day 4 for 24 hrs, then was discharged on day 5 when level dropped. The jaundice level continued to go up (but still not high enough for phototherapy phew!) and peak at 6-7 days, like what one of the mummies in FB said. After that, the level started to...
  14. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    lxb, don't be too stressed up... it's normal to produce more milk on one side. During #1's time, my right side supply was only half then volume of the left side. Plus there's no hardness, always soft soft one, so it's not blocked ducts. Try to always latch your bb on the less milk side first...
  15. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    czlyf, this is the usual pre-admission procedure, they want to check your blood count to see if they need to standby blood from the bank. For my case, I was supposed to take blood one day before the scheduled csec, but my waterbag broke one week before that. End up I did the blood test then and...
  16. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    pinky, my red blood count has always been on the low side, I think the worry is loss of blood during delivery. During #1's time, I fainted twice during the hospital stay after the csec when I tried to get off the bed! So this time, I consciously tried to keep my blood counts normal by eating...
  17. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    Congrats blessmum! sheepsdream, I'm also looking at ordering tingkat lunch for 1 pax after confinement. Thinking of trying this:
  18. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, me! No helper, but #1 goes to full day childcare. These 2 weeks she's at home with me as her school is closed 10 days due to HFMD outbreak. Lucky she's old enough to play by herself most of the time, and hb gets off work early to bring her out to run around some days. I'm starting to worry...
  19. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi mummies! Haven't checked in for a while... fuzzybear, good to hear that things are more stable for you. Jiayou! I will wake baby up every 3 hrs to feed during the night, so that the bilirubin gets flushed out at regular intervals and doesn't build up. littleprince, I don't have a CL, but...
  20. sei

    (2013/11) November 2013

    SN, you need to remove stitches? Mine is the dissolvable type, the nurse cut the ends on discharge and I just remove the dressing myself after 7 days. febie, helps that I have a light baby haha... for #1, I couldn't really do football without pillow to support cos she was >3kg... #2 is only...
