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  1. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    You may want to go see a GP or TCM. Maybe it's something different. for me it got so bad that it hurts to tie hair or even carry a cup of water before I went for treatment. Some variation of tendonitis.
  2. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Yeah there. Same joint. It hurts to bend thumb right? My sinseh near kovan mrt.
  3. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Both my wrist hurt too. But getting better after acupuncture a few times. My sinseh says if the wrist joint near your thumb is hurting, it's inflammation... as opposed to sprain/twist for lower joint. so shouldn't tuina. Will make things worse. Should avoid using wrist as much as possible. Get...
  4. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Doing formula supplement only for night feeds. Day time ebm. But she seems in pain every time she farts. So was Wondering if caused by constipation haha... I'll try drinking Yakult too
  5. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    My lo cries before farting too... and has gone 3 days without pooing before... which makes her fart more and cry more...
  6. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    It's getting worse everyday >_< what cream did u use?
  7. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    My lo having pimples! [emoji33] All over her face and even on eyelids. What happened to beautiful baby skin?! [emoji26] But none on forehead though...
  8. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies, how do you find time to pump when lo had to be carried for many hours? I missed many pump timings because of this... and lo doesn't dl...
  9. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I like bravado seamless silk nursing bra. Got from allemom.
  10. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    It takes so long to burp after a bottle feed at night. Want to direct latch Cuz less air but hungry baby cries when it's not the bottle. Also maybe the latch not very good so can't get milk fast enough. Need more practice.
  11. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    My lo urine keeps leaking through her huggies nb diapers... and she urined all over me and my bed just when I managed to latch her (finally). Dilemma to continue latching or quickly change her and save my bedsheets...
  12. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Have such a headache whenever She decides to cry while I'm pumping. Have to pause pumping, and continue later. The milk can't be left outside too long while I pacify her... or to let her cry while I keep my milk first...
  13. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I only get 80-110ml for 20mins pumping at 3-4hr interval. I tend to oversleep at night ending up with a long 6hr interval... >_< how to up supply? Lo catching up with my output soon.
  14. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    About 3-4hours interval. doing feed on demand because She gets sleepy/cranky when I wake her to feed. And She manages to fall asleep when I'm burping her. Wasted more ebm today [emoji34]
  15. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies doing ebm bottle feeding, Does your lo refuse to finish the bottle? I poured so much ebm down the sink already... Sometimes cry after 80ml and demand more. Sometimes refuse to even finish 40ml. And I have to pour away the remnants after an hour... >_<
  16. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I latched while I was in hospital. (But no milk then, and had to do bottle feed becoz Pd said baby losing too much weight and jaundice ). Now that milk has come, baby refusing to latch again. How to be persistent? Should i try to latch even when baby cries?
  17. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Tried to latch lo while milk is being warmed up, and She cried non stop until the milk bottle is in her mouth [emoji22]
  18. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I also cried. Felt that everyone else is interacting with baby more than me. Baby doesn't like latching because flow is too little /slow. So most of the time I'm just pumping while someone else feeds and changes baby. And whenever I look at baby, she's asleep. She's going to think Mil is Mummy...
  19. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies, is there any fb group I can join? my girl got delivered on 25aug, 2 weeks ahead of schedule!
  20. miaoz13

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies, my Edd was 7sept but baby came out on 25aug at 38w+1. She's 2.75kg and absolutely adorable ^_^ had period cramps for 24 hours before checking in to hospital because I didn't know that's what contractions felt like! But was only 1cm when checked in at 9pm. 3hours later I'm 4cm dilated...
