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    ! Should i divorce with him

    Hi mummies, Just to share... My hubby suddenly distant himself from me n my then only 2 months old baby gal one and a half years ago. There are too many reasons to this involving affair, can't adapt to parenthood, my MIL issues with his mum... Back then I am struggling to cope with his...
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    !__Any lawyer to recommend?

    Hi, Sherrain Tan -Hoh lawyers at the amk branch. Ashleybb
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Wonderland, maybe you are right, bb lazy to suckle after more than half an hour or so... She alway pushes out nipple and when I put her back to sleep, she will cry but refuse breast le... I have to bottle-feed her with another 30-40mls of EBM ... Maddie, I stored EBM in 260ml in the...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Congrats xiang & superbb76...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    GLHK,celyn, woofy, maddie, cottagefry, cellow & sflaky, am feeling better now... And I can't locked my rm door de, can only close the door, if not she will complain to my HB say I shut her from her grandchild wor... Now when MIL at my house I got to sms my HB whenever I need to talk to him...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    gbh, the door closed but she knocked on it... I latched my bb for 15mins each breast then if bb still not enough then I try to latched longer or if bb not suckle le but still as if not enough, I will bottle-fed her with EBM... I don't know what is wrong with that lor...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    vicma, I received the Mother's milk tea le, thank you so much...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    gbh, maddie, vicma... My MIL came over yesterday (Fri actually) to stay over the weekends supposingly said to help out... While I was trying to latch my bb last nite, she kept saying I make life difficult for bb and why don't just bottle-feed her... I tried to tell her Im no pro at breastfeeding...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    No matter how much we had done for HB, their mum also more important to them... And dear MIL always demonstrate this fact during times when we need our HB so much...Sick & tired of all these nonsenses...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Congrats vicma, mrsm and 1sttimepapa...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Whenever milk dripping from nipples, its time to latch or pump???... so amazing, it happened every 2-3hourly...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Congrats hippo, Jas and ranting... I agreed men not so xi xin like women, my hubby needs constant reminders to wash hands before touching sterilized bottles and teats... GBH, glad that you are feeling more orientated... And thanks, I will try to burp bb when she pushes out my nipple...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Rantingbaby, advance best wishes for a fast and smooth delivery ya...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    I latched my bb 15mins each on both breast, but y she still cry after that... If I let her continue to suckle, she will push out my nipple.. I got no choice but to top up EBM, she will drank 10 - 30mls of EBM then fall asleep... Y huh? Maddie, happy for u that you bb is back home... dun...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Congrats jade,celyn & Juliet... Cellow,cottagefry, we tend to flare up more especially when we are having hard time now... Relax, relax... gbh, take good care of yourself now... Your bb is in good hands... Dun worry too much abt ss...I realised if I pump after bb latch, ss abt...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    HJ, I topup another 40mls EBM coz tink my galgal still not full after latching her 15mins each on both breast... Today my CL suggested that I let her latch till she doesnt want and c how...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Thanks ming8110,rantingbaby,cellow & maddie... Just finished breastfeeding my bb... Latch her both side for 15mins each then give her another 40mls EBM... She sleep liao but me got to express more milk...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    charismama... Mrs wong say if engorgement really bad, apply cold cabbage over it... But must be careful not to overdo it... I apply cold cabbage for an hour and it helps... After that massage with hot face towel then I pump and it feel all better... Dun know what I do correct or not but it...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    My CL boil the da feng cao for me to bath but its hot water... How I wish I can bath in cooler water... Can bath but cannot wash hair, wa piang buay tahan... BTW, my mum operation over le, still in ICU resting but condition stable... Now Im in better mood and condition to take care of my gal...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Vic_ma, thanks...[IMG=] Maddie, dun worry too much abt your ss, relax and it will increase soon... Being stress up also affect ss... As long as you latch and pump, flow will comes in... LC all say supply = demand but take time...
