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    (2014/12) Dec 2014 Mummies

    Halo all mummies to be. I am expecting my 2nd one, edd 7 dec . 1st one 1yr gal. :) . Hope you can add me n my friend who having same edd months to e fb. My email is [email protected] n my gf is [email protected] .. see u all soon in fb
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Jo , thanks for sharing . I not ready for #2 yet . Think due to age , my hubby like another one be4 we reach our late 30. Today finally managed to slip two mouthful of root beer mug no caffeine . But would be better if that was cola..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi cloudily , sorry for e trouble n u r smart still can search for me. Hi Sam , think I was shocked on my hubby suggesting a second one when our baby is 1 yr old . I did not think that far. Just hope my next visit at oct 12 n Oscar scan will go well . It will be my 3 months. I will be 34...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi cloudily, my setting is everyone as well. To all num2 mum, how u convience yourself to have 2nd one since it such a tough 9 months task?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    hi all mtb, just return from my grandmother funeral, was given a red ribbon to tie around my stomach n a`fu`. Just when I thought all are over,the master told me I got to keep in my drawer till my baby is borned n after that e `fu` need to tie around my baby neck for a month. Feel so troubled now.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Chelz, thanks for updating the list . Nick: Ah Chris BB# 01 EDD : 26 April 2013 Gynae : Lawrence Ang Hospital: TMC NSEW : N
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Rachel , if really worry can drop by to see gynae . Just push your appointment forward . Also I like to ask a burning question . Anyone eat curry veg/fish/puff /chicken ? Can we eat during this period ?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Dear All mummies ,i will be going for my 1st gynae appointment on 07th sept . Est to be my 7th wk, mixed feeling . I hope I can hear the heartbeat to ensure baby Is doing good. This is my 1st child n I have no sympthon expect sore n tender breast. Wish me luck. After confirm my due date will...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Divein, can i know what is the meaning of mc and ms ?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    HI Shirelle, sound really bad for you. check out this url : hope this will help you.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    HI Ladies, another q to ask. As i have not went for my scanning yet, i do not wish to let other know i pregnant. What can i do if pple starting asking me.. how do i answer.. help pls..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Ling and Pinky, dun mention, my hubby was so freaking out of what i eat and drink . i so pissed so want to let him know those are not in the banned list. He even ban me from eating my meiji yogurt Hi Shirelle, For folic acid, i eat that every morning with empty stomach. see fine with...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi all Mtb, Goggle and found this web site Share with your ladies
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi all April MTB, i got a positive and est to be 4-5 wk basis on the clear blue test last week. This is our 1# and my hubby is pretty freak out of what i eating. can check on 1st 3 month , what can i eat or not to eat ? I am going to see lawrence ang on 07th sept. It is indeed a long wait...
