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  1. P

    Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM

    I think depends on individual person. His medicines seem to be standard for ladies. No difference at all between each person. His medicine for men seem more customised. I think some ladies experienced longer period cycles with Dr Tan, unfortunately I was one of them. After I stopped seeing him...
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    IVF in 2021?

    Thank you for sharing Harriet07 and Uptheair :)
  3. P

    IVF in 2021?

    Hi girls, anyone starting IVF with Dr Tan Heng Hao? I’m thinking of starting with him after CNY. Can I check if it’s common for people to quit their job to do IVF? My job is quite busy and stressful, am worried I cannot cope with work stress and IVF procedures and injections... also worried that...
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    Dr Tan Heng Hao

    Hihi do you mind sharing if you did IVF or conceived naturally? Thanks :)
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    Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM

    Thanks for sharing :) can share whether your wife conceived naturally in the end or through IVF? Thank you
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    Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM

    My hubby goes acupuncture twice a week and he also eats lots of pills from Dr Tan Kian Sing daily, and eats fish maw cooked with herbs once a week :) Dr Tan also recommended my hubby to eat lots of oysters and mussels so my hubby has been eating those at least once a week too. Hope your hubby...
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    Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM

    Hihi my husband just completed 4 months of acupuncture with Dr Tan Kian Sing. His sperm morphology and motility improved and are now at normal levels. Motility now 42% normal and morphology now 4% normal. :) However sperm concentration is still below normal. From 3 improved to 7 for...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Thanks so much :) as I read online that usually LH surge is for about 12 hours to 24 hours so usually able to detect on OPK, so was quite worried... the clearblue website also says so. But the progesterone blood tests I did with the gynae showed that I ovulated...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hi ladies, is it possible to ovulate but not detect smiley face on clearblue OPK? I have this issue about twice so far this year... other months can detect the smiley face... does it mean 2 months didn’t ovulate? Thank you
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies, is it possible to ovulate but not detect smiley face on clearblue OPK? I have this issue about twice so far this year... other months can detect the smiley face... does it mean 2 months didn’t ovulate? Thank you
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hihi were both of the 2 IVF transfers done with Dr Roland Chieng? We are considering going to him for IVF but heard he does not do delivery... Thanks :)
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    TTC. TCM / Fertility Massage

    Is Angliea baby bliss fertility massage suitable if I am going to go through IVF? Will it have a positive impact on my IVF cycles? Thank you :)
  13. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jiayou and don’t lose hope! Hugs. Believe in yourself and that everything will turn out for the best in the right timing :)
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Thanks so much for sharing! :) yeah I have quite some stress TTC. But now I try to relax and don’t think so much. Just trying to lose some weight and keep fit, and hopefully be in the best condition to do IVF as my hubby has male sperm issues. Fingers crossed all will turn out well
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Thanks for your reply :) I have done ultrasound with each gynae but they came to different conclusions... some said can see a line of small pearls. Some say it’s eggs of different sizes. Not cysts. I also did progesterone blood test during luteal phase twice and both showed I ovulated. I went to...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Thank you for your reply :) yup the gynaes all did ultrasound but they came to different conclusion... some said can see a line of small pearls. Some say it’s eggs of different sizes. Not cysts. Yeah one of them also said having these is not necessarily pcos. My periods were quite regular prior...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    So sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy. I think I will have to do IVF too due to my husband’s sperm issues. All the best for your next cycle, hugs!
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hi girls, anyone has pcos diagnosis problem? I’ve seen 4 gynaes so far - 2 said I have pcos and 2 said I don’t... it’s quite confusing. Those who said I have is because my cycles lengths vary a lot and I have high AMH. But those who said I don’t have pcos is because my high AMH just means good...
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    Help!! endometriosis laparoscopy

    Hihi can I check which IVF doctor did you go to now? Thanks :)
  20. P

    Anyone doing IVF in 2020?

    Thank you so much for your kind reply and advice :)
