There is the suntec fair this wkend, and taka baby fairs, n expo too.
Any comments on which is the best? Also, I am looking for breast pump- heard ameda is good but is it portable?:)
So far most common n popular seem to be Avent and Pigeon. Some go for dr brown but washing that is a hassle, so im lazy wldnt go for that haha!
Philips steriliser now on sale with free newborn kit, can just get tt? I did!
Hi all, im due this June and yet to really buy anything:
I decided the following are needed:
Milk bottles
Clothes etc
Stroller maybe not yet?
What abt u guys? I realised the carseat stroller sets from the usa are so much cheaper there!
Also, milk bottles, what brand...
Hi all! First time mum here due in June 17.
Any of you guys buy your stuff from Malaysia? I was looking at Puree , Pigeon shampoos etc, any feedback?
My husb is from malacca so we visit malaysia every other month