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  1. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi Rita Lee (rlee), For local babies, like what SunshineDay says will take longer cos it's not easy to find. I waited 5 years b4 the agent called me with the news of my baby gal for adoption. She is born locally. Unless u r prepared to wait for abt another 5 years otherwise, a foreign...
  2. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi SunshineDay (sunshineday08), my girl is only 14mths+ and i have been looking around for a playmate for her too as she likes to play with other children. May I know where do u stay and r u a sahm? Hi Pinkbottle (pinkbottle) , u may want to google on the net about the situation or...
  3. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi die, sorry to hear abt ur ectopic pregnancy, u take good care of your health 1st b4 u start worrying about the rest cos it's with good health then u can take care of Ace and ur job, rite.
  4. N

    Child Adoption

    HI Mrs ha and all the ladies, it's been a while since i logged in as i was really tied up with my little gal. Honestly speaking, she was really a handful for me to take care of all by myself and on top of that having to do all the household chores and cook. I didn't want to come here and...
  5. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi googlebaby (googlebaby), Is she a chinese? My fren may be interested.
  6. N

    Child Adoption

    HI die, wat's wts?
  7. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi ladies, i have a sad news to share. My fren who was due to adopt a baby boy in a few days time was not able to cos the birth mom changed her mind. So sad for her but my fren was able to accept it saying at least the baby is able to be with his natural mommy. Hi LYn (lady1978), 25th...
  8. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi LYn (lady1978), appreciate ur effort, if everything goes well we will be leaving on the 22/11. If it is too rush we can always wait for the next gathering. Ever since i had my gal i seems to have lesser frenz cos not many people understand what i am going thru, hence, i think it's time...
  9. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi Ladies, I would love to join in the gathering, if i am welcome, but i will need to know when. Hopefully soon enough b4 we leave for Indonesia again.
  10. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi Die, she's ok, I guess! Other than her short nap hrs(abt 1/2 hr long each time), she is adapting quite well i think. She enjoys socialising and talking to people. Am now trying to train her to sleep longer cos she needs it and i can get housework done. We have moved to Indo since...
  11. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi all, thx for all the encouraging words, I suppose as time goes by and us getting older we will grow to be more mature and hopefully wiser too, for some. Wow, it's been a while since I logged in cos was busy moving to Indo. And so much has happened. 1st congrats to kayla mommy and...
  12. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi all, I just to vent out my frustration somewhere. Here's what happen: I have a fren whom I have known for more than a decade and regarded as very close but till today then I begin to see her true color. She has all along been very supportive and understanding towards most of the things...
  13. N

    Child Adoption

    ka y la (klarun99), so excited for you, keep us updated ok? Janella (janella), thx. I think after a while as baby gets older and we know their temperament better things just falls into places.
  14. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi invictus (invictus), Thx, I suppose after going thru what I did made me realised being parents, there are sacrifices to make. But it is all worth it cos when I see her sweet smile it simply melts away all my stress and tiredness. I think we all can understand your "predicament" now...
  15. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi dream (dream09), ya I din realized that they actually grow so fast. Maybe I was too obsessed with being tired. I suppose it is jsut a matter of getting used to it, haha! Hi Mrs Chou (angel_mummy), Thx, I will! Hi die (die)/Andrea Yee (vickysmommy), u definitely will lose...
  16. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi all, it's been a long time since i come by only bcos I lost this thread totally and finally found it after some time. My hubby and I adopted a baby gal 5 months ago and she is a darling. However, I was so stressed out in the midst of taking care of her by myself (cos my mom and in laws...
  17. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi all, i forgot to specify that the both babies are chinese.
  18. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi ladies, do u know of anyone who may be keen to adopt local babies cos my agent currently has 2 babies waiting to be adopted. I think both will be due in oct/nov 2010, 1 of them is a girl and the other not sure about the sex yet.
  19. N

    Child Adoption

    Janella (janella), dun worry too much abt baby not smiling yet. Just remember that whatever we are being told abt baby's development is only a guide as every baby's development pace is different. however, if u are still worried, u can try surfing the net to find out more or speak to ur pd and...
  20. N

    Child Adoption

    Hi ladies, regarding the rotavirus jab i was also contemplating whether to jab my girl or not cos according to what i read, it has some kind of a pig's virus. But when i asked the polyclinic's nurse she says the batch that the polyclinic's has was contaminated but can try checking with...
