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  1. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Hello, I have always been a silent reader of this thread. Recently, I just tested positive and just passed my 1st tri. Hence, decided to pop by to share some tips with all. 1. I went to TCM at Jurong (not that one near IMM!) to tiao my body. This TCM is not very well known on forums but I...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    chelz, my gynae nurse taught my hb how to jab me with progesterone and he has been doing twice a wk for me for about 2 wks already and all is ok. Yes, the trick is to cough. you can ask your gynae again and get your hb to learn and jab for you. coz very time consuming and expensive to get the...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    mummypooh, i think paosheng is good. my mil bought tat with bird nest for me to consume after 20th wk for my #1. But i dun like paosheng smell so i din take much. i stopped seeing TCM at 6th month for #1. tcm told me no need to bu as long as i was taking her an tai med coz alr got necessary...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    mummypooh, yes, still seeing tcm for an tai med. if you go to reputable tcm whom you trust the skills, safe to consume the an tai med. i seen this tcm when i had my #1 and all is well and my #1 very strong and healthy. so I continue to see her for current pregnancy.
  5. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Helloooo... Been feeling miserable due to ms plus stressed at work past few days so didn't manage to log in. How's everyone today? Shirelle, so fast, you are going to be 2nd tri!!! piyo, nice 4D pics of your gal! for my #1, i only did 3D scan coz hb thinks no point do 4D. did you...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    shirelle, maybe you are too heaty. have more bedrest over the weekend and monitor. take care!
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Zenn zenn, try to take more protein. protein helps bb to grow. don't worry too much. the scan size is just an estimate. sometimes bb will grow faster but sometimes will grow slower. most importantly is that bb is growing.
  8. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Zenn zenn, I see Dr fong at Paragon as I find the clinic at tiong bahru too small and stuffy. ya, his machine at paragon better. But i think for now, if do tummy scan, image quality is compromised as compared to v-scan. zenn zenn & divein, relieved to know the ms is on and off. i still...
  9. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hellooo.. yeah, it is finally TGIF!!! cant wait to knock off!!! want to ask, i was puking quite badly earlier this week but no more puking yest and today. should i be worried? worried coz i experienced before the moment my ms suddenly gone, i had mc previously. now very paranoid. anyone...
  10. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    breastfeeding needs alot of determination and strong mentality. the trial comes esp in 1st 2 months with low supply and engorgement. engorgement will make you want to give up. regular latching/ pumping is very important. there are also supplements that you can take to increase milk supply as...
  11. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    my humble personal opinion, i think a good pump aids in breastfeeding and if you intend to bf long, it is worth the investment. but of course get one that you feel comfortable and within your budget. shirelle, so fast you are approaching 2nd tri! woohoo! i still got 3 more weeks to go...
  12. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hellooo... how is everyone so far? sorry to read some mummies have lost their babies. Take time to nurse your sadness and try again! Big hugs! Take care and may you conceive soon with a sticky bb! My ms is getting worse. Today really bad.. i already vomit twice. 1st time, immediately...
  13. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Shirley, how many weeks are you now? Mayb is still early to detect hb. Dun despair, talk to bb and eat more protein to help bb to grow. Zenn, good luck! I also hope my visit to gynae tomorrow will be good!
  14. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Helloooo.. This wk I almost every alternate day will Merlion. Just vomit this morning and culprit is butter coz I ate kaya butter toast. Throat is burning from all the vomit. My gynae prefers to see me once every 2 weeks during 1st tri. He also can issue HL even though I did not stay in...
  15. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Trinity, big hugs... Dun think about it already. Else u feel more pissed. Even with op, the tube may be intact but definitely will be scarred. Try to bu your body instead and recuperate your health.
  16. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Update mine too! Nick: Mareikebb Bb#: 2 Hospital: Mount A Gynae: Dr Fong Yang Edd: 8 April 2013 Nsew: South
  17. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    zenn zenn, my gynae is also dr fong yang! you see him at tiong bahru or paragon? i prefer paragon coz more spacious. zhen mao dun. dun eat feel giddy, eat alr feels like merlion. anyone like me? mocca, dun gan cheong. some bb are juz late developers initially and will catch up later...
  18. M

    (2013/04) April 2013

    good morning! today i feel very shitty and nauseous... think my ms is starting to peak now. super tempted to take leave again but I already took yesterday coz was having cramps. wow.. all the mil stories is scary. my mil has her pms at least once a week and always like to throw tantrums...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Divein, yes the boobs massage is very good. Open up all block ducts n increase milk flow ESP all the hind milk!
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    envy all mummies who managed to shed off 1st preg weight. i had excess baggage of 5kg from 1st preg. hopefully this round, wun put on too much weight. i find latching bb during 1st month most difficult as they dun know how to suck well. i gave up latching after a few days and just keep...
