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  1. H

    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    HI, do you have any ballpark figure (estimates) on the shipping cost for those 7pcs figure set (eg like the Disney Princess figure play set) ? Thanks.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    gbh : yes, its important for hubby to interact and bond with baby. The consequences for not doing so can be "disastrous" For my 1st kid, my hb didn't really bond well with her. As such, my girl became very sticky to me. Everything is mummy, and don't let daddy get things done for her. For...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Celia : After u use the tub , can u give feedback? I am also considering to buy, but worried its not user-friendly. Thanks.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    jscelyn : hw much u can get for friso 1 and 3? currently me getting from the shop near my house at $32 and $44 respectively. If its cheaper than this, i'm keen. tried to PM u, but u don't accept.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    rurucat/mrsm : i'm staying near JP too. Also looking forward to Wendy's opening :-)
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Jade / syzygy6 : Does your baby spit out a bit of milk or a (few) mouthful? My baby girl can spit out a big mouthful after burp. Even then, I can sense that she is still feeling uncomfortable after burp; as though there's milk stuck at her throat. That is why sometimes she still regurgitate...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    my 5 weeks old bb girl kept spitting milk after i burped or while burping her. Sometimes, it can be a big mouthful of milk. I fel so horrifying when i hear her burping sound, as I can also hear the "water sound" coming out from her throat. Even when i don't burp her, when i leave her to...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    mrsm, my baby girl also cry loudly during bathing time. In fact, when my CL takes off her clothes, even during changing diapers or clean her buttocks when poo poo, she also cries. Dunno why she dun like to be expose ... hee hee ... hopefully it will gets better as she grows older.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    celia, i oso c section. at times , there will still be fresh blood coming. Its pretty normal. As per my gynae, it is unlikely that inner layers will tear. In fact, after delivery, i somehow got a bad cough n was coughing hard at times which hurt my wound. but gynae said it will not...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    crayon & mummies on C section : my gynae advised not to carry heavy things for the initial 3 mths, and avoid frequent bending and squatting. This is to allow the inner wounds to heal. The deeper the layer, the longer it takes to heal, especially for mummies who have done more than 1...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    cellow, seems that u share the same experience as me with C1. She oso got nipple confusion n refused to latch after introducing bottle. that is why my HB n I have been presevering not to intro bottle to C2. But C2 been demanding milk almosr every 1.5hrs which is very tiring for me...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hi, it seems that many mummies here pump out milk to feed baby. My baby is turning 13 days old. I still have her latch on directly ,and have not started pumping. As such, I am very doubtful on how much she is taking, and whether she is taking enough ( though wet and soiled diaper is a gd...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    lucida : regards to jab, you can actually opt to take 6-in-1 which is taken at 6 weeks old. ashleybb : do not give in to your mother or MIL negative comments abt BF. when i had my 1st child, i could not tolerate these comments n surrender by offering formula. My girl later refused to latch...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Celia, thanks for your kind advice. How do u formula feed your baby ? Do u spoonfeed ?
  15. H

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Hi, being tracking this forum for a while, and find some of the comments/ suggestions provided by mummies very helpful. Hoping someone could share with me how to tackle with this issue also. I juz gave birth via C-section on 8 April, going to be discharge tomorrow. For the past 3 days...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Gd morning mummies, came across this thread, and thought of seeking some advice from any mummies who had the same experience. I am expecting my 2nd one now, and also due in April. I had C-section for my 1st one, and gynae advise it is better to go for C-section for the 2nd one. Natural...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    sflaky : You may want to try Dr. Tho at The London Clinic & Surgery For Women located at JE st 24. I can't comment whether he is good or not cos I have just seen him once. Will be going for my 2nd appt next week.
