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  1. S

    I managed to teach my ASD boy to speak, after 7 years of trying speech therapy in vain

    When he was 3.5 years old, my son was diagnosed with ASD. To support him and cope with his loads of therapies, I left my job and started to work with him. he used to speak when he was 1 year old, but completely went silent when he was 2.5. ST, OT, group play, ABA, we tried everything, but...
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    To watch out in hospital

    A true case. Baby was born premature but healthy, kept in hospital nursery; Mom stayed in the her suite, under observation due to low blood pressure. Lack of experience, new mom did not ask nurse to keep the baby with her; lack of experience as well, the family laid all trust to hospital...
  3. S

    Advise Needed: Can Newborn drink Plain Water

    jaundice might be caused by insufficient milk, but can not use as judgement symptom for milk amount. you can judge whether your milk sufficient or not by your bb's sleeping hours after intake your milk -- if he/she could have two hours continuous sound sleep, that means you have fed him/her...
  4. S

    ** Losing my job !! Anyone can help ? Mentally down and need a job to support my baby ! Help me Please !!!!

    Same thing happened in one of my pregnancy. my company --a US company, keep giving me pressure, asked me travel continuously even knows I got pregnan, I was exhausted and depressed. I tried to fight back, but they told me that if I could not take the job, I can resign. I tried stay on, and...
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    advice needed on breastfeeding

    lots of breast feeding tips on iprettymommy web. check into the library.
  6. S

    Confinement caterer

    recommend to try iprettymommy confinement soups: - it is very good for breast feeding mothers, you will get plenty of milk with their soups; - it is not oily and fatty, you get all nutritions, but won't get fat; - all natural and fresh materials, it is simply tasty - the soups contain...
