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  1. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    I'm into my 11 weeks... nauseous doesn't seem to be subsiding but skin has become very dry, especially my forehead area... any recommendation for facial moisturiser for very dry skin? Will be having Oscar in end March. .. hope everything's fine as last scan was end Feb. ..
  2. W

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi elyn, can assist to add me? Email is [email protected]. Thank you.
  3. W

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi elyn82, just saw. Pls add me. Thank you!
  4. W

    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi elyn82, my email add is [email protected]. pls add me to the fb group. This is my #1 and edd may be end sept. Thank you!
  5. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Hi, I've pmed you my details! Thank you!
  6. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    I asked my doc bout this too. He said low risk vs no risk. So it's up to you. In the end, my husband not comfortable so wun be going for manicures for this 9 months =)
  7. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Saw it. Thank you!
  8. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Hi euniee, I'm not in as well.. n did not receive email. Can help to check if my email is added? [email protected]
  9. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Hi euniee, have pmed u my email add for FB. Thank you!
  10. W

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Hi mummies! My edd is 2nd Oct and I'm almost 9 weeks now. This is my first bb n I'm hoping everything goes well. =) have been having bad morning sickness.. hoping it'll subside soon =D
