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  1. E

    Any good maid for transfer

    Hi mummies! Looking for good indon muslim helper who can take care of infants. Hope someone can recommand their transfer maid. Ni agent pls.. Pls email me at [email protected]. Ty in advance!!
  2. E

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    HEy all.. Been a long time i last posted! well.. Congrats new Twinnie Mummies! I'm now at my 34 weeks. Eveything looks good. My Gynea planned on my Csect next week at my 35 weeks... Any Mummies had a prob with Preemie twins at 35weeks? One of them is at 2.4kg and the other is very small at 1.6kg...
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    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi all... Thanks for all the replys.. My doctor a bit kancong la.. so i'm gonna see Dr Irene chua for 2nd opinion.. My babies so far doing well...Hopefully till 36 weeks.. Would love to try natural. My babies are Mono/Di. Hopefully Dr Irene can give me a better view than my doc who wans my...
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    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi pinky and leah! I have no probs till now. Both blood flow n waterbag level are normal. Everything is great. But my doctor is against natural delivery and wan to schedule my babies at 34weeks for no reason. I said i only wan it after 36 if alll goes well but she seems to be on neg side of...
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    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi ladies, I new here and currently at 29 weeks with identical biys.. was wondering any of ur doctors are pro-natural for twins? my babies head are down and i would love to have natural birth! pls advice me ion ur doctors who is pronatural for twins so i can change my gynae as she is so into...
  6. E

    ** Losing my job !! Anyone can help ? Mentally down and need a job to support my baby ! Help me Please !!!!

    Hi all... I'm sad to hear that u guys r facing difficulties at workplace just cause u guys r preggy.. I'm currently 25 weeks with identical twins.. came to work today and got send home(not sacked) but on No pay leave cause my boss forced me to rest and so does my gynea... I had used up my...
  7. E

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi all.. I'm new here.. Now 25th weeks with identical boys.. Wondering if anyone knows if delivery naturally possible cause my gynea really pushing me for c-Sect and i'm so against it.. And also she stopped me from working as well due to high risk preggy.. i'm all well with no symptoms of...
