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    divorcing soon

    I as a woman can feel your wife. Once trust is broken, it's impossible to be the same like the past anymore. Even if she forgive you, the trust level will be an issue Respect her choice and you might be able to raise your child together with her.
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    Maid issue

    Thanks all for the advice. There was once when she feign sick and when I brought her to doctor, I was told that she's totally fine and she even told my mum's helper that she was fine and recently, this happened again... few days ago, she woke up late and I was merely asking her to clear my...
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    Maid issue

    I just employ a domestic helper. Everything seemed okay initially but as time goes by, I realized that her action seems to be a little weird and her command of English is so poor that I have been handling everything myself. And yet, I've decided to give her the chance to stay as it's not easy...
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    Feeling alone in this family

    My husband will never allow that, he mentioned before that he will want to stay with his parents. She will perform stun everyday, while I was showing my helper how to clean stuff, she walked up to us deliberately to see what i say, I feel like a prisoner, suffocating and in front of my husband...
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    Feeling alone in this family

    Thanks all for your advice. Today my daughter was having afternoon nap and woke up at 6 plus and before that, she ate quite a lot. My mother-in-law was asking me to feed my daughter and as we will be going out shortly, I told her we will feed outside. When I was walking up the stairs to change...
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    Feeling alone in this family

    Thanks for the advice. I try to ignorance and walk away but it seems like things are getting out of hand. My husband will ask me to feed baby, do this, do that as if I'm idling around. I have to admit he's very meticulous however there are times when he was packing some stuff, he will give me...
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    Feeling alone in this family

    We never quarrel before because I always give in as I believe that quarrel will worsen the situation and I do not want to say anything hurtful. I am currently working just that am having hospitalization leave and i don't that much as my husband. Thanks for the blessing
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    Feeling alone in this family

    I'm currently pregnant with twins and this time round, I feel that I seems to be facing everything myself. My husband has been very fierce and has been scolding me over small issues and my in-laws has not been offering their help but instead has been complaining about me to my sister-in-law and...
