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  1. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Ellysia - So does your boy continue to sleep in playpen? PinkieMie - My mum will be the main caregiver after my ML. Baby will stay with them during day-time, and maybe even through the weekdays (if I really cannot cope). My parents are now already slowly clearing out my old room to convert...
  2. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Bunnz - For the low bump, I really hope it's common. I am making conscious efforts to hold my tummy more, esp if I bend/squat/sneeze/cough etc. Yes, I get the pelvic pain too. Not nice at all! [IMG=] Wanna check with you all, where...
  3. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Hi Ladies Been so swamped at work & at home! Hope everyone is doing well [IMG=] Need to check with you ladies -- 1) How does your bump look like now? I had a very unobvious bump until last Thursday. Went on a...
  4. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    One prob after another [IMG=] Constipation with a big pile. Wanted to buy a Chinese ointment which is very effective but medical hall said not safe for pregnancy. At the GP again....
  5. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    rumi - I'm not taking any herbs now but we buy cordyceps regularly as hb is asthmatic. For 4x soup (each time yield around 2 bowls), the quantity of cordyceps cost us close to $300. I dont know what grade cos usually mum/MIL helps to buy. Because it's so exp, I always make sure hb drinks up ALL...
  6. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Thanks Gina. Which ministry are you from? I was in PSD for awhile, got to know Zhiying there. As for Tricia, it has been a long long while. I knew her in my 1st job! And that was 10 years ago. We have since been in 3 organisations together. Haha! How to see the group ah?
  7. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Thks Gina. Have PM you. Pooh - As much as I wish to, I think I've been crying too much during this pregnancy. Firstly in initial months of unstability. Then fell sick and was miserable. And my dog got into an accident last night! I cried so hard. On our way home, though dog survived the...
  8. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Wow, this thread is moving real fast. Swamped with work and meetings these few days. It's raining so heavily now so still waiting for hubby in office. My last gynae visit was on Saturday (it was a long 1 month wait). And unfortunately, hb and I had an argument over a very small stupid matter...
  9. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Hi All, TGIF! Havent logged in for a few days, was away on course. next visit is tomorrow morning! After a long wait of 1 month. Hope everything is fine and we'll get to find out about the gender [IMG=]
  10. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    rumi - Can try Xian De Lai at liang seah street/ It's among the better/cleaner ones at Bugis. Whole place is air-conditioned and they will bring your orders to you.
  11. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Koume - Congrats! If finances isnt an issue, it's really good to be able to put aside work and concentrate on pregnancy & motherhood. Enjoy this journey! I'm abit worried over my KPIs committed for this year, not sure how I'm going to achieve them by August. And at home front, I really have...
  12. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Hb's uncle passed away when I was at w10/w11, we also didnt attend the wake. Not sure if anyone questioned/gossiped, I dont see his relatives often. For Qing Ming, I didnt attend with hb. He went alone to temple with his parents. Last week my maternal side prayed too but parents didnt ask...
  13. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    I dreamt of a baby boy once but personally, I wish for a baby girl. Most of my friends guess that I am having a boy. But when I did the rice grain fun test, results showed a girl. Then when I think of the baby, I have mixed feelings! Sometimes boy, sometimes girl. I wish baby wont be confused by...
  14. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Is it some angmoh remedy ah? Abit uncommon for us to use petroleum jelly, can we apply Vicks Rub? I also pity my hb and dogs. Since I fell ill, hb has been sleeping on sofa and the dogs are out with him. I get the whole room to myself so that we wont disturb one another. And he leaves it up...
  15. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Article on nasal congestion: Piang! It might get worse as pregnancy progresses! I miss my uninterrupted sleep!
  16. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    PinkieMie - Same same. I'm so worried that I will see bald patches soon. And it is very irritating to see hair all over my toilet/pillow/basin. Yating - Think there is some viral going around. Alot of pax in office are sick but I'm the only one who isnt recovering...
  17. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Supplements - I have stopped regular supplements for about 2 weeks as I have been ill. Alot of medicine to be taken everyday so I somehow just skip the supplements. Is it ok to have stopped for awhile? Gynae gave me multi-vits & calcium while sinseh gave me Bu Tai Yao. Hair Loss - My...
  18. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    By the way, do gynaes issue letters for travelling during pregnancy? Already confirmed a roadtrip + cruise trip for month of April. Still planning another for May. Hb joked that I'm determined to cover 海陆空 before delivery :P
  19. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Pommes - Congrats on finding out the gender! Hope I'll get to know in 2 weeks' time (18 weeks by then). Maybe I should also "bribe" baby with the first gift! Haha! Cramps - My sinseh advised to take calcium supplements at night to prevent cramps. I am a regular sufferer of leg cramps since...
  20. K

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Bunnz - That's really an amazing story! I had very sore breasts in the beginning and was often feeling warm. But after W10 or so, no more symptoms at all. In fact, I started to feel cold very often. Yes, have also read some cases in newspaper which are similar, esp teenage mothers who went...
