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    Eye doctor to check for squint (strabismus/misaligned eyes)

    Hi Snu, may i know where did you bring your child to make this specs?
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    that light mens could be implantation bleeding. if you tested a few and all faint positive within the time frame, most likely it's a bfp. congrats!! why not buy a digital clearblue weeks estimator to test? those are seldom wrong.
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    angle bb, did you test opk again today? i'm thinking perhaps you didnt ovulate the first time and if you had tested today, you may see a surge again and O is happening tomorrow or day after.
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    Baby hates me?

    Hey, it's normal. I am skinny too and my MIL is erm more fleshy. My #1 has colic and starts crying once the sun sets. ONLY my MIL can pacify him. At first I was sad too but after a while I just let it be. Of course I try to learn and improve but when MIL takes over from me, I know that she just...
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Big big hugs Cantaloupe! jia you!!! how long is your luteal phase? Did you take any warming stuff during 2ww? have you heard about taking pineapple core for the first 5 days after ovulation? it helps with implantation.
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    i also need to wash after 30 min, otherwise i may get UTI.
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    loylipop, there are some people who buy a softcup (meant for holding menses) to hold the semen in. i personally don't use it cos i find it a bit gross to have to stick something bigger than a tampon inside us, but some people do that so you can consider.
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    i heard for inverted uterus, you need to lie on your front, and prop a pillow underneath your pelvis
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    haha it's ok la... i console myself that if i conceive next cycle, bb will have the same zodiac and horoscope as me. May baby! yay! haha... my EWCM dried up le... even if we BD tonight the sperm won't travel to the egg. unless i use conceive plus but i don't feel like using it (feels like...
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Cantaloupe i didn't feel any soreness with my #2 too. there's hope!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    BD so many times after the surge??? wah very tiring. haha... congrats!!!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    morning ladies! didn't BD last night. oh well... guess we are out this cycle. cantaloupe, big hugs! let's get our BFPs soon together!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    I think what Cantaloupe meant was that some women reported a change in their CM (ie white discharge) and then went on to have BFP. So if one never used to have such CM, having it now may mean BFP. But it's not always the case therefore not a "good indicator".
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    He is 3 yo now. Had open heart surgery when he was 8 days old. We are good! :) I used OPK when conceiving #1 and got pregnant on the first month of using OPK. But we decided we are going to take it easy for #3. So we will give it a few more tries before doing opk.
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    not using any tools except observing symptoms and CM. you are right about healthy baby. tell me about it as my #1 has a major heart defect. baby dust to all and healthy sticky babies!!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    and this blur me... i thought i am DPO 1 today. was a bit upset that we didn't BD last night. just went to the toilet and saw erm a lot a lot of EWCM. so i guessed i have not ovulated. probably tonight or tomorrow. not sure if want to BD or not (aiming for a girl). (sorry edit to girl. OH NO...
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Hi tinkledust, are you sure you are DPO 16? Good luck!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    less than 1 week and you can test! it's so hard, the 2ww. sometimes symptoms mean BFP and sometimes they don't. Really just have to wait it out. drink more warm drinks! I told myself i wont try this month but here i am obsessing at DPO 1 (i think. i dont chart too). LOL. ah well...
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Cantaloupe, which DPO are you at? Good luck!!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    can take the above drinks but i would avoid the cold versions. take the warm ones. but this is just me. there are many who do not restrict their diet and still get healthy BFPs. but do try to add some warmth to your diet (examples as mentioned above)
