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    Advice on Prenatal Massage needed !!

    hi vanessa , nice to meet u , im now 18 weeks preggy wt baby boy too , like u , i hope to meet up wt more mummies .. pls pm me if any ..cheer ;)
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    hi,im a FTM , my detail scan on 16/12 ..a bit scare , hope my baby boy is healthy [IMG=] i do feel my baby kick but not so often , how about urs ?
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    What this means? sms from prostitute

    yes i can still remember his frens name ..winston ( who always sent him msg ) seaching in the forum now about u ??
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    What this means? sms from prostitute

    wonder how mummies here check his hubby after reading this sammyboy forum ?? any tips ??
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    What this means? sms from prostitute

    after reading the post from sammmyboy... i wonder how many hubby did this behide our back ??? some more only less then 100 ....OMG ..... but really don know how to check ..even if he got this kind of mail v cant say tat he go rite ?? and no way for us to check whether he go ( like those man in...
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    What this means? sms from prostitute

    omg .. i recall long time ago i saw this kind mail in my hubby mail box... then i ask my hubby why ur frens always sent u this kind msg .. he answered me ..ya lo is a junk mail... but i remember tat time when i read his email.. all is young gal.... now i hv a curious , wonder did he ???? think...
  7. I

    Help!! How to stop my hubby from overspending!!! seem like a lots mummies hv spendthrift hubby...for mY case lucky/unlucky i hv no kid .. can u imagine i can sit outside the shop ( which he spend)crying ,due to the amount he spend ..ok now he spend untill ALL credit card stop his a/c ..soon he will be bankbrupt...YET..he still didnt...
