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  1. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    It range from $2.8k to $3.2k now I understand. I am paying $2.9k. Have to pass them 2 angbaos when they come and when they leave too.
  2. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    I didn’t use any agency. Engaged a confinement lady based on friend’s recommendation. It appears that like many highly recommended confinement ladies are booked for Jan 2019 by now though. So it may be worthwhile to invest in some time now to look for one. I understand that even within...
  3. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    Some pregnant ladies get very bad morning sickness especially during the first trimester. Quite a few friends of mine lost about 3 to 5 kg as they could hardly keep their food down. Personally, I have had a few nights where I could not sleep so far but it's just a few occasions. It must be...
  4. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    Hi there, I don't smoke but I have friends who are quite heavy smokers. One of them was pregnant twice and for both pregnancies, she just stopped cold turkey. She said she just did not crave for cigarettes anymore. But both times, she went back to smoking after delivering. Her second kid is...
  5. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    A confinement lady would prepare your food, your herbal bath and look after the newborn. This would be my third child but I will still be engaging a confinement lady. I deliver via c sect so the first few days are tough for me to move around, let alone bathe and take care of my baby. Or to...
  6. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    Hi, my gynae is an old gentleman because like you, I prefer experience. I associate age with experience. ;) You may also consider a gynae near your workplace (if you are currently working). I usually pop by during lunch hour for my gynae visits as its very near my work place. Sometimes, it...
  7. S

    Jan 2019 Mummies

    Hi, if there's spotting, it may be important to see a doctor asap. I am not too sure about the polyclinic route in terms of timing but for private gynae., it's immediate (unless it is a Sunday or Public Holiday). Cost is much higher for private as the consultation alone varies from $80 to...
