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  1. W

    Hole in heart for child

    Hi.. Would u give me ur email address? I would like to ask you something regards to the surgery. Thanks.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Xian, I'm waiting to pop too. Just seen doc today. Bb weigh 3488g, big. Tml I'm in my week 38
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi sei, How much u put on in total? So fast ur bb celebrate full month. I'm 37 + 6 days, still waiting to pop.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi, Can anyone add me on fb. Email: [email protected] Previously ask before. Thank for trouble. My edd 30nov. Having a gal. I'm week 37 now and my bb already weigh 3.1kg
  5. W

    Pre natal Yoga in Punggol area

    Hi, How much?
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi, Can u guys add me again in fb. My email: [email protected] Thanks a lot
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi mawanab, Oh so only 1 day difference. But I might deliver earlier. If can I don't want c sec too coz i gone thru 3 operations before I can conceive. I know the pain after the op. But as long as baby healthy.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi mummies, Hope I'm not too late to join in. I'm 33 weeks now. Edd 30 nov. 1st pregnancy and having a girl. Baby girl weight was 2.4kg at 31 weeks so doc said she is a big baby. I might need c sec coz I got partial placenta previa. Can you add me in fb? My email: [email protected] Thanks :)
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi SN, My edd is 30 nov. thanks for updating.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi 3x mum, thanks. I'm a average size so I guess I only need to monitor. Any one go Bangkok for massage when pregnant. I want to have head and neck massage but I only afraid they are not trained.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    I change my nick from Patricia to loveBaby
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi all thanks. I'm going baby moon next week to Bangkok to shop. At week 20, I gained 5-6 kg from my pre pregnancy weight. is it ok?
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi all, forget to update. I quit my job after I'm pregnant. So I a SAHM but will look for job after baby born.
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    (2013/11) November 2013

    Hi mummies, I have been a silent reader all the while and now decided to join in the interesting topics that share here. I'm week 20 now and I am so happy that i'm pregnant and conceive naturally as i have been trying for Baby for 6 years! I'm having a baby gal. I'm seeing Dr SF Loh at TMC...
