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  1. Q

    OSCAR Bad Results

    Hello, my baby's NT scan is 3mm and our risk is 1:42. Even though panorama came back low risk, we decided to go for amniocentesis thereafter just to be very sure things are okay. We just got back the result that all is good. Have faith in your baby and you can consider doing panorama before...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hello everyone, I missed my period for 2 days but I am tested negative. I don't know what is going on - been having cramps and stomach is always rumbling. BBT is high for these two days, it even went up to 37.4 (no fever). Sigh.
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hello ladies, I am back! I suffered a MC just two weeks before Circuit Breaker began and spent the whole CB recuperating. My period is back to normal and we decided to try again this cycle. I have been taking Folic Acid, COQ10 and Vitamin D daily. Not pinning high hopes because this is the first...
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    November 2020 Mummies

    Hello I was 3 days late when tested. I got back the blood test already and I got the affirmation I’m pregnant. The urine test in clinic is not that sensitive, hence the negative! :)
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    November 2020 Mummies

    Hello! I tested positive on Wednesday with ClearBlue digital. However, because of my spotting for 5 days, I decided to visit my gynae today (Friday). In my horror, she said my urine test was negative. I really hope I’m a Nov mommy :(
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Yes correct! Yeah heard a lot of good reviews. But wah it is a commitment to do massage every week. So I thought to hold for a while first
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hello Amanda! do you have regular menstrual cycle? For me, my cycle is 26 days so by right, ovulation takes place around 13 days before the NEXT period (meaning I got to count backwards). I didn’t get a smiley face when I used my first box of clear blue OPK because the sticks only lasted till...
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and started to TTC since last August. My husband and I went to Dr Caroline Khi from ACJ Clinic for our fertility checkup (sperm count and blood test) previously. All seems okay, except that I have cyst and fibroids (which Dr Khi says just monitor). So we...
