hi Carole,
can help me to update the list? mine confirmed a Princess! TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
I have a list of what to buy for a newborn in excel (which I used for my #1 last time) & also what to pack for our delivery in...
adv_sports & babydreamyqueen
hi-5! I also have that and mine is same with babydreamy's, at left side & will feel sharp pulling every 1st step or sometimes sudden pain when in certain position. Haiz! I thought it must be related to my slipped disc problem which I had 5mth after gave...
I'm interested to join u all for Origins Jamu Massage. I used them for in my 1st confinement, not bad.
can add me in the FB? [email protected]
TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
try cook soup instead? Like ABC chicken soup, red bean porkribs soup, etc. Can keep from lunch to dinner. Then since she doesn't like porridge, can just cook softer rice & pour soup on it with the meat & veges from the soup. S loves soup with rice too! But yet to fully convert...
thanks mommies, for the congratz! Mine was unplanned too! We're still considering & undecided whether or not to have #2.. well, bring it onnnn...
Stacia did "beat beat" months ago but we quickly stop saying that in front of her. When my dad came for 1.5mth to visit us...
stacia's using sebamed & it works fine without conditioner, won't entangle after wash. She'd have entangled hair too but that's when she's not sleeping well (turning her head left & right) & that makes her head/hair rubbing the pillow.. so for me, it's very easy to know the...
hi mommies
back fr short holiday to bkk & been so busy with work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]
Will go to my OSCAR test tomorrow & it marks the end of my 1st trim hieh hieh.. MS seems to be better lately though still have slight nausea...
i teach my gal to point at my tummy & say "baby" (she pointed at my belly button so i let her be) then kiss it! it works too but nowadays she also pulls up her own shirt, point at her own belly button & say "baby" (dugh!) & trying to give a kiss to her own tummy hehee...
could a GP detect heartbeat from stethoscope? Im going for a trip this coming Sun & a bit paranoid.. wanna make sure baby's ok before I go.. dun wanna go to my gynae cos quite far & the following week gotta do Oscar liao..
blessed09 & lamagier
be strong & take care for time being, okay? God will only give the best to us so have faith and sure could get a healthy baby again *hugs*
oh dear, actually sharing would make u feel better & easier rather than keeping it... try to stay positive, ok?!
babydreamyqueen & sweetpaine
dun worry too much unnecessarily.. certain things r really beyond our control so why not we face everyday as happy as we could?
I had a miscarriage 1 cycle before I conceived my #1 & surprisingly, we strike again right on the next cycle! I survived...
I've narrowed down my options to Techno XT & Quest Most likely will go for Quest for the price & lightweight hehe.. but still need to make a trip to the shop to see the actual prams before deciding.. thank u, mommies!
u had the blood test now? I din have any test until 4 more weeks, will be scheduled for OSCAR test. 3 tubes of blood will be drawn & by then will know if iron deficit or not (from my past experience when I had #1).
aiyo.. im not sure also hehehe.. Yes, gal gal good...
thank u very muchie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
I requested for utrogestan in my 1st visit cos I had history of miscarriage but my gynae din wanna give & said that it's not necessary...
hahahaa... yeah, placenta linked to baby's bb.. not sure abt mommy's kekeke... keep us updated on ur visit tonite!
Saw my baby yesterday! So happy...at first, din wanna bring #1 into the consultation room cos she's a bit hyper yesterday at the clinic but the nurse said it's orite...