Search results

  1. baby_bubu

    AMAZON USA/SG PRIME (Direct/Free Shipping to SG) ~vicky~

    Hi Size 8.5W Colour brown Would like to get this shoes. May i know what is...
  2. baby_bubu

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Hi Please note this transaction number for your records: 24674640703 Payee Name ZPQI7 Transfer Currency and Amount S$155.49 Will opt for mail, thanks!
  3. baby_bubu

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Ok. Let me know how much to tt to you.
  4. baby_bubu

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Hi would like to order the following. Let me know what is the final amt to trasfer over. thanks! 1 &2) Printed Built-In Tough Full-Length Leggings for Girls...
  5. baby_bubu

    Timberland USA Spree extra 20% off sale items

    Ok, thanks for the reply!
  6. baby_bubu

    Timberland USA Spree extra 20% off sale items

    Hi Would like to check if u still organise this spree? Want to get a pair of shoes from Timberland. Pls revert, thanks!
  7. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie tt ref 7276 $92.68 23:05pm. pls confirm. thanks! Collection bedok condo
  8. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    hi Vinnie, pls drop item #7, 10 and 12 Proceed with the rest. item 9 Qty change to 2. (wash and shampoo) will tt to you before midnight. thanks!
  9. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie Would like to order the following, some of them are not free shipping (+charges). Is it possible? 1) J World New York Corey Lunch Bag Squares Neon USD: 11.40 2)Rubbermaid Commercial Stainless...
  10. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    member: 12865"]Hi baby bubu Pls tt tonight as i am waiting for another spreer to make payment to place order today Hi Vinnie Tt done. 19374751935 Recipient Name: vinnie Transfer Currency and Amount S$142.16 Self collection. Pls pm me when books here. Thanks!
  11. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi sorry my message wasnt complete. I would need these books by end of 1st week of nov. Is it possible? Thanks!
  12. baby_bubu

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail) Qty: 7 qty=2
  13. baby_bubu Spree - Free shipping for prime member - Prettycloud

    Hi Prettycloud Tt payment done and pm you the requested details. Pls acknowledge, thank you so much!
  14. baby_bubu Spree - Free shipping for prime member - Prettycloud

    ok, noted with thanks! I would like to add the following item. So total 2 items. 1) braun thermometer USD 33.99 * 1.45 2) thermos food mug Colour: midnight blue USD 16.59 *1.45...
  15. baby_bubu Spree - Free shipping for prime member - Prettycloud

    Hi I would like to order following Braun thermometer. USD 33.99 Will opt for courier service. Let me know what...
  16. baby_bubu

    gymboree #114 (Everything $14.99 & under + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    hi Qi very sorry for the late reply. I have tt $4.20 , ref no. is 7555. pls confirm. would like to opt for mail collection. pls advise what is the postage cost and pls pm me as I would like to send you my address. thanks so much for your help!
  17. baby_bubu

    gymboree #114 (Everything $14.99 & under + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Qi ok, noted! Thanks! Can I combine the 2 orders then collect from you?
  18. baby_bubu

    gymboree #114 (Everything $14.99 & under + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Qi Would like to use my gymbucks to get the following, ok? 1) Pleated Chiffon Dress Size 5T USD: 14.99 2) Starfish Maxi Dress Size 8 USD...
  19. baby_bubu

    gymboree #114 (Everything $14.99 & under + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Would like to order the following 1) Size : S and M USD 13.90 2)Scalloped Sandals Size:4 USD: 18.48 3) Floral Duppioni Dress...
  20. baby_bubu

    Amazon Spree *New collection places fm Yishun, Khatib, AMK, Bishan St 25, mail or $5 courier!

    hi correct, let me know how much I need to top up as there is a bit balance from the earlier order. if prices increase abit still go ahead to buy both thanks! I will tt over the amt later ok? thanks!
