Hi, im interested to get either the fast train to fabulous or primed for takeaway. The only diff is the benetint and harvana. any idea which one is better or easier to use?
How much is the shipping charges roughly based on your previous spree? thanks in advance.
Hi Leng Leng, u hv ready stocks? can it be use on a 1 yo? my girl like to scratch herself when its very hot and my fil applied calamine lotion to it. Now her skin is very dry so need to get a moisturizer for her. this is good right?
Hi, can advise whats is the shipping/total cost for this? Roughly by when can i receive it? thanks
Hi, can advise whats is the shipping/total cost for this? Roughly by when can i receive it? thanks
Hi Mummycents, I purchased a few bags from u like 1 or 2 yrs back. Recently i hv this problem that after sucking out the air and before i can put back the cap, the air went in again. y is that so? is it bcos I did not seal it up properly. I lost the clip to seal up the bag.
I bought 1 new bag...
Hi, Will like to get this
Thermos Foogo Stainless Steel Food Jar, 10 Ounce-Pink
Based on your experience, how much will it be in total (with shipping)? thanks
Do u hv any extra on this?
Thanks Mummies! During the election, we actually got a letter from the MP that in Lor 7, they plan to open another playskool. Think the letter says that reno starting in Jun but till now nothing is done.
Thanks Precious, I'm staying at Lor 7. Yap, heard abt the PCF at lor 8 but cos my #2 coming and most likely my mil staying at kkl will be taking care of her so thought of enrolling my #1 near her place so that we don't hv to go 2 locations cos we don't drive. Haven't visit the 2 cc yet but I...
Hi Mummies,
I'm new here. Happened to see this thread. Staying at TPY too.
Need some advise. Plan to send my 3yo boy to cc near Lor 7 or Kim keat link. Any recommendation? My MIL stays at KKL and there are 2 cc, First Skool and Jingles, amy mummies with kids there? Are they good?
If it's ur no 1, maybe u can consider getting a CL so at least u know what to expect and do.
For my case, I engaged a CL for my no 1. No 2 is coming and I do not intend to get CL. Cos i find that don't really need a CL if u plan to bf the baby. I'm a light-sleeper so when my no1 fuss or cry in...
Hi Carole, pls update for me. It shld be a PRINCESS!!! so happy cos #1 is a boy. But still need to wait for detail scan end mar to confirm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
Thanks babysee and Muffingirl, thats very informative. Gd, now more at ease aft confirmation from you gals.. will get more from gynae this sat as mine finishing soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
Hi Milkyway, thanks. Haha, trying to save $ and see whether outside is selling cheaper and then the pharmacist made me worried by saying that. The gynae charge me $50 bf gst...
Hi Mummies,
Anyone taking fish oil prescribe from KKH? My doc gave me Dhaxtra softgel (contain Arachidonic acid and equiv Oleic Acid) Wanted to see whether pharmacy is selling cheaper but the pharmacist told me usually doc don't prescribe med with acid... now abit worried...
Hi Mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I'm a MTB in Aug'11. Looking for a confinement lady. Most of the CL i called are not available. How is your CL? If she is good, can provide me with the contact? Thanks Alot!
Hi Carole,
Added you in FB. Nick: Lehcar. email: [email protected]
Oh I'm in my 17 wks and I'm starting to feel BB moving. Though this is my #2, it's still amazing. Can't wait to see bb on sat and hopefully can see the gender then...