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    THE CHILDREN'S PLACE SPREE by (Lynn54 ) 20% off (Taking order now) closing asap

    Item 1: ss dora bst frnds|542932_baby%20girl|graphic%20tees_babygirl 4t Usd10 ss ariel deep sea...
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    @@WTB : Glenn Doman flash cards eng, chinese, math

    maths kit to release. cards 50 onwards till vacummed sealed. no missing pieces. pls email [email protected] for fast deal! thx!!
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    A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

    Bakaholic! Hi!! Lol! Ya the other thread quite close knit, find it hard to click too.. Yup thrRe's an fb GDP which we chat in. More privacy n easier to keep up with
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    A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

    Ling, did u put ur child in ichiban mmi cc in e end?
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Forgot to check back in lolll.. Mamma mia, I'm following in ur footsteps, moving frm west to east bt prob next beginning of the yr. Angel: I'm keen! But erm only can make it nx yr.. :p
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    Amazon Spree 1.28 rate (Aynix: Orchard, Woodlands, Queenstown)

    keen to get this: LeapFrog: Learning DVD Set (2009) 20.65 how much do u tink shipping might b?
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi mummies, I'm moving to bedok res view by yr end/ nx beg of the year.. Am searching for a cc to plc my girl in.. But it seems that I'd require sch bus svcs cuz all not nearby.. Any mummies using bus svc for ur child? Also, have narrowed down a few schs, any comments abt them? Kinder land...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Have added a few mummies to the fb grp Moscato: ya ur rite, my mum n mil dun wish to b commited to help w my girl. So I've been sahm for 28mths alr. Luckily expenses not high (for now) so hb still can tahan financially. When we move nx year, hopefully still not as shiong for him so I can...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Forgot to check back aft my last posting. -_-" lol! Erm, add me in fb then I invite u guys in. Its a secret grp tts y no one can see it. Most of us chat thr nw cuz easier to catch up.. here will tend to forget to check it.. My add is [email protected]
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Btw, anyone knws much abt ccs/playgrps in bedok area?
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Jingles: ya then lk tt post in wts also hard to clear I tink.. Anyway, join e fb grp! Lolll!
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi ladies!! Been a looonggg time since I popped in here.. Jus wondering if everyone's on the fb group yet? Lush: have fun! I went europe for overdue honeymoon when I was preg w #1 too. Was 5mths preg at tt time. Was great cuz got energy liao. Can shop lk mad. Alicia: ur having a...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Jingles, tot of doing a photo shoot tis round w my girl too cuz 1st preg nv do.. N since I dun plan to hv anymore kids aft tis, might as well la.. Zhuzhu, yea my tummy ballooned overnight as well hahaa! Quite scary! Birdbrain, I can hold my food in but its a problem to swallow it down...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Koko, welcome! Heehe! When u said lugging big baby bag, it brings back memories... @_@" hahaa! I tink I will enjoy meal feedinmg tho. All bm/fm! No nd to struggle w force feeding and food wars!
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi all, decided to pop in to take look at wat I've misseed out! Haven't posted here in smtime cuz too bz so relying on fb chats is pretty gd too. Hehee! Also didn't post anymore cuz a few frens of mine found out abt my current preg cuz they saw me posting here. @_@" Tulip7v, my tummy is so...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    pinko, had the same problem as u 2yrs ago when i was preg w my #1. quit my job beg sept, end sept done w notice, oct mid mth found out preggy. faint. end up sahm till now. and even so, was looking for job in march and when my girl turned 2 in may, i found out i was preg. double faint. dun be...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    mayc: i know of some mummies who pop 2 botts of chix essence when gg into labor. after tt pop another 1. they say not so tiring. more energised. this round im gg to try popping 1 too. hahaa echo: how come cannot take with other herbs? thr's 1 i think w cordecpys, that one tastes nicer lei...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    pinko, zhuzhu, same. i cannot take too spicy food. sure dirrehea big time and few times too throughout the day. nv like that bbefore. damn jialat cuz i love spicy food. =( hq: im craving for twister fries!! whahaha!! re: those wo CL, plannign to use caonfinement catering only how wld u...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    piggyB: i have very weak tummy for this preg. gastric yes also. so i started to take small and frequent meals. everyday im bloated w gas. its very frustrating. if i take spicy stuff, me n toilet bowl become bff. can we take medication for gastric/gas?
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    kelly k, not working but my mum wont help me look after 2 kids daily like those typical ah mas. and im not sure if we'll have a maid altho my hb tinks that it's healthier for us to have one. lol! i had plans to go bk to work cuz my girl is alr 2yo. but then suddenly preg hb says forget it la. no...
