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  1. J

    Confinement Recipes

    I love it too. This is the confinement recipe that i saw on their website! Red Dates Wolfberry Chicken Ingredients: Chicken thighs (cut) – 750 g Huiji Waist Tonic – 3 cups Red date (stone) – 12 nos Wolfberry (soaked) – 2 tbsp Black fungus (soaked, cut) – 10 g Old ginger (shredded) – 50 g...
  2. J

    Any mummies having back pain after epidural anasthesia during delivery?

    Have you all tried Huiji waist tonic? It works well for backache and definitely safe for mummies who breastfeed because there is no alcohol in the tonic! halal too! ;)
  3. J

    Any Vegetarian Mom here?

    If you are feeling lethargic or having a very bad backache after you give birth, you can add huiji waist tonic to your food. It's 100% vegetarian!
  4. J

    Advise on coping WITHOUT a Confinement Lady

    Just add a few drops of Huiji waist tonic in your food will do great to your body. Make you less lethargic
  5. J

    terrible backache

    I used it in confinement recipes! just a few drops and i feel much better. After giving birth so lethargic this really helps. Qoo10 having promotion now ;)
