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  1. P

    Need to help, which brand milk powder is the best for infant?

    Hey, just to share... we recently switch to Friso 1 Gold, and my baby is able to poo every day if not alternate day, without needing Friso Comfort.
  2. P

    Need to help, which brand milk powder is the best for infant?

    Hi LOVE, if you compare between the different FM for infant in the market, you'll realised that Enfalac A+ and Similac seems to have the most vitamins/minerals... they are sort of considered high-end FM. Whereas Nestle NAN is closest to breast milk in terms of taste and texture. There is no...
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Hi Tweety, My boy has the same problem, he is 3 weeks old and have neonatal acne (rashes) and new milia on his forehead, face & neck. Aiyah not handsome for his full mth celebration liao. According to the website the...
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Fanny: There's 2 clinics at Dawson Place... is it Dawson Place Clinic or Alexandra Clinic? Tinkabel: May I have Aunty Sadiah's contact no? Thanks
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Hi all, Is it safe to drink tonic eg Yomeishu when breast-feed? This is because I thou we should avoid alcohol totally when BF baby. Not sure Yomeishu is considered as alcohol to avoid. Hope someone can advise.
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Tinkabel: Just to share, the physiotherapist at KKH told me not to use the float, as it will not provide support for the area, since the muscle there is weak now. She ask me to sit on soft cushion instead and to do pelvic floor exercise while laying down to strengthen the area. Steffie: I...
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Cindy and Wenyl: Thanks for your reply, my milk supply indeed came in on the 3rd or 4th day, tho the quantity not much but we were already very happy at the sight of the whitish liquid Koala: My bb was not engaged at 39 weeks, we were so disappointed. I really try my best to walk as much but...
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    (2007/11) November MTBs

    Hi mommies, I just gave birth to a bb boy on 14 Nov late night. Tonight will be the 3rd day. I'm wondering how much colostrum will we have during the initial days? So far I'm only able to squeeze out a few pathetic bubbles of colostrum from the breast before letting baby latch on. I'm not sure...
