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  1. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi glennia, you already start going out? so cool...the wound isn't painful anymore? hehehe...good to hear that the epidural is painless. it is my turn tmr morning..getting excited. many last minute things to do like sterilise breastpump and clean up the whole house so that baby can come...
  2. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies, how is everyone? glennia, you also half breastfeed and half formula? im also not too sure about baby pooing after formula..only heard that formula fed baby is more heaty so must drink more boiled water. i was quite nervous the past few days. but today slowly getting more...
  3. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies, im crossing my fingers, even if cn reduce 200 i'll be happy =) shahreny, you can just drink the water, dun eat the red dates. i also dun like the red dates. my confinement will be 30days...i dun think i'll go out during the least my mom will NEVER let me go...
  4. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies =) yup. i have asked my mom to go along with me on my monday check up so she can help me bargain. i think aunties are better are doing this =) thanks for the offer shahreny, so nice of you =) i will wait and see if i have enough milk. if really not enough then i will have to...
  5. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi snnowy, i have approved you already =) glad to know you cos you're more experienced, can advice us! ya, i agree many gynaes seem to approve of ceaserean while in the olden days, ceaserean is only for complicated cases. true lor, if we ceserean, gynae no need to be on stand by or even...
  6. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies, my check up went well today. my baby is 3kg now! i was shocked cos i didn't put on weight but she put on 1kg in 2 weeks. gynae says she is absorbing my nutrients which is good. at this rate, she'll probably be at least 3.5kg at birth next sunday. i checked with my gynae and...
  7. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi snnowy =) oh..i had a fren in the medical line who asked if i wanted to watch the video of a ceaserean. luckily i said no..heheheh.. actually i also dunno why, but at week 30 my doc already inform me i need ceaserean. at that time my aunt even said maybe my gynae wanna psycho me to...
  8. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi ssnowy, I am 36 weeks now actually gynae wants me to deliver by beginning of 37 week but cos my mom in law has gotten a geomacer to choose date so I only had 2 choice, 26-03 or 11-04. My gynae refused to do on 26-03 as it's before 37 weeks, considered pre mature so I have to do on 11-04 which...
  9. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi snnowy, will remember your advice =) wah didn't realise c-sect is considered such a major op...cant even use squat toilet for 6 months..
  10. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi snnowy, thanks for e info! Sounds quite scary.. I also very scare but no choice I keep on tell myself must be brave. How long did it take for ur pain to go away? I think glennia is going for her op today. Hope everything goes smoothly!
  11. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi glennia, my gynae says if contractions come every 10 mins means giving birth soon! i think you have to be on stand by already. wat is LA? is it also epidural csect? you have to let me know if its painful when you are better!
  12. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi snnowy, do u feel scare when u lie there while they prepare to operate on u? So far i'm still opting for epidural but my gynae says can change my mind on e day itself. I wish for epidural cos can hear baby's first cry n hubby can go in but still feel very nervous abt the op. Is it very...
  13. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies, hows everyone today? hows the babies too =) hi twinkle, sorry this is my first baby so no experience! but i am going for csect due to baby breech as well. may i find out from you your experience of ceaserean? did you have epidural or GA csect?
  14. B

    I need new friends!!!

    heee...yup its true, i think all babies are adorable, especially in their parents eyes. rather excited to see how my baby looks like. some of my frens did 4D scan can see the baby face very clearly but i think quite ex so i didn't do it. yup, must be very heartpain to see our babies in...
  15. B

    I need new friends!!!

    oh no...i didn't drink green bean soup...dunno if my baby will be bald..cos i was totally bald when i was born and my hubby's hair is very thin also. i hope my baby will be sleepy baby also...better than babies who keep on crying i think i will be very stress =) sounds like both shahreny...
  16. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Hi glennia, I read from some threads that say you'll be groggy till w next day. Dunno how true. Anmaria, u know if mt a got wifi also? Shahreny I got ur no. Already [IMG=] thanks! R u hm already?
  17. B

    I need new friends!!!

    congrats shahreny! your baby is big! glad to hear your delivery is a smooth one. you are at raffles hospital right? so good they got wifi.. glennia, how was your check up? hope everything is fine. you have another week to go right? nervous?
  18. B

    I need new friends!!!

    hi mummies, shahreny, any news? or still counting down to 21st? glennia 25th right? wah all so soon...mine is the latest at 11th apr. anmaria sent me a photo of her baby today. so cute! and got quite a lot of hair. very nice =)
  19. B

    I need new friends!!!

    helo mummies, i went for week 34 check yst. baby is 2.1kg. stil in breech so confirm got to c-sect. my mom in law choose 11-4-2020 for me but gynae says sunday got surchrage of $1k! got a shock. tried to call mt a today to check if its really so ex or if gynae marked up the price. was...
  20. B

    I need new friends!!!

    Happy to hear ur coping well now anmaria [IMG=] I will pm u my Hp so we can keep in touch! I hope my baby will also be sleepy type!
