Hi! Dr roland is my fertility doc. He is v straight forward kind. so he will just tell you can or cannot. He told me i will confirm pregnant with IVF and i did 1 cycle with him. 1st trf i was preg shortly mc. 2nd trf i trf 2 embryo and succeeded. Now my baby is already 11mths old. So, if u...
i see! i wean off as my boy dont really like latching on and i want my menses to return soon so i can try for 2nd one. im also having irregular menses due to pcos.
Hi, i am in a smiliar situation like yours previously. 6 weeks doc say bb heartbeat is too slow. 7 weeks have no heartbeat and i am doing a natural miscarriage. Try to talk to your baby and rest more. Hope for miracle!
Hi ruby! When do you start drinking tian yuan xiang chicken essence? U took the pregnancy one after its clear? Im doing a natural miscarriage now so i wonder when can i start drinking chicken essence. Your menses is regular for the 1st cycle?
Hi all. I got a question. If i am to do natural miscarriage when should i start my mini confinement? Should i start when the flow finish or once the flow start i should start doing confinement?