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  1. P

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    hi Rebekah, I just read your previous post and realize that your child was in playgroup in April. My son just get in the playgroup this month july.
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    Choa chu kang mummy club

    hi mommies! I'm a young mommy in yew tee, first time finding CC for my DS.Im desperately looking for a full day playgroup cc for my son. He's coming 16 mths and I'm intending to send him for cc after he's 18 mths. I've visited a lot of cc around but many was too steep and their price and some...
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    Genius Mind Training - Blindfold reading

    if im not wrong, i heard is 2 day 1k.
  4. P

    Problems of pumping milk out.

    dont stop pumping. Dont be lazy like me. i always latch and stop pumping for 1-2 mths and now my body are use to baby suction and when I pump, the output is horribly less. I know i have more milk in my breast cause baby drinks enuff from my breast but when i pump out only manage to pump out 50ml...
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    Problems of pumping milk out.

    Hi wee wee, I tried it alrdy. It do helps but somehow nt much then previous. After one time let down, is it able to obtain another letdown again if I still do the rolling again? I tried but it seems quite long to obtain a letdown. I'm only able to pump out 50 or less. But my bb drinks 180ml nw
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    Problems of pumping milk out.

    wao! Thanks for the great info! I've tried relaxing and listen to music, skin-to-skin contact with my bb but still, my milk duct refused the let down. Alright, I will heed your advise on pumping more and do the nipple simulations for now. Hope it helps! :D
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    Problems of pumping milk out.

    hi lemonshivers, i heard some moms doesnt seems to increase milk with the help of fenugreek. u can try this . I've personally tried this and it really works. my milk supply shoots up to 250ml per session but of cos with the consistency of pumping after each feed and...
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    Problems of pumping milk out.

    uh? Y lidat? Hmmm I use hand can but very tiring and slow. I'. afraid cos my baby always dont latch well and he keep moving. Drink abit then he fall aslp. Always nv drink enough to slp thru out the night. I use electric now(prob was found,the membrane tear) could express but not much also ):
  9. P

    Problems of pumping milk out.

    nope. It was kinda new. I was thinking whether is it because i always nv dry the funnel then connect to the pump makes the pump spoil. ): But im not sure yet.
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    Problems of pumping milk out.

    Hi all! Do u guys encounter this situation? Ive been feeding EBM for 2 months. Sometimes(very seldom) got replaced with FM when I not able to breastfeed/give EBM. All along my supply was ok can pump up to 100ml-150ml/200ml per pump. Recently I was thinking about increasing milk supply cos my...
