Search results

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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi rkmum, My order & payment made $38.30. Ref 21156861914 Registered mail. 1. Logo Sherpa Hoodie Sweatshirt Size: L Color: Tibetan Rose Price: US$49.95 Total in SGD: USD49.95 X 0.60 X 0.9 X 1.42 = S$38.30
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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi rkmum, Payment made. Opt for Registered mail. Thank you! Please note this transaction number for your records: 20418547564 Recipient Name Rkmum Transfer Currency and Amount S$186.19
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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi RKmum, Here's my orders, will transfer soon. Thanks! 1. Print Flippy Skirt Col: bright seafoam Size: L Price: 17.99 2. Cold-Shoulder Mix-Fabric Dress...
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 20% on top of 50%)

    Hi, Payment made. Thanks! Ref no. 19894151623 Amt $55.37 Nick: T-T
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 20% on top of 50%)

    Hi, I will like to order the following: Nick: T_T 1. Cozy arch logo zip hoodie Size: L Color: icy pink Price: US$25.97 2. Fair isle sweater dress...
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 20% on top of 50%)

    Hi, Adding more orders for gap factory as follows: Payment made. Ref no. 19843700509 Amt $55.50 Nick: T-T 1. Arch logo zip hoodie Size: L Color: charcoal grey Price: US$23.99 2. Arch logo zip hoodie...
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 20% on top of 50%)

    Hi qi, Payment made for my orders. Thank you! Collection: Reg mail Ref no. 19841610329 Amt $78.03 Nick: T-T
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 20% on top of 50%)

    Hi, I will like to order the following: Nick : T_T 1. Stretch floral embroidery shorty shorts Size: 10 (Regular) Color: Light Wash Price: US$19.97 2. Arch logo zip hoodie...
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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi rkmum, Transfer made. Thanks! Please note this transaction number for your records: 17088429034 Recipient Name Rkmum Transfer Currency and Amount S$47.92
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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi Rkmum, Here's my orders... will transfer shortly. Thks. 1. Color: grey floral Size: M Price 29.99 2. Size: S Color: pink...
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    #200 [Rkmum]░ GAP 20-50% OFF ░ Old Navy 40% OFF - Close 14 Nov 2022 (11pm) - (SPREE CLOSE)

    Hi RKmum, Thanks so much. Here's my payment and orders below. Please note this transaction number for your records: 16561790759 Transfer Currency and Amount S$119.53 I'd like to order: GAPS order Item 1: Printed PJ Pants URL...
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Payment is made for top up in Batch 135 and 137. $12.35 + $4.88 = $17.23 To Account POSB Savings 091-56445-9 cheche Transfer Currency and Amount S$17.23 Transaction Reference 11059421813 Top-up amt for courier service too. To Account POSB Savings 091-56445-9...
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Here's my order and payment made. Please drop if no more 40% discount. Thanks! To Account POSB Savings 091-56445-9 cheche Transfer Currency and Amount S$16.38 Transaction Reference 10957854476 Item: Spider-Man Hat for Boys - Personalizable URL...
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Pls drop Item 7: Iron Man 3 Hat for Boys -Personalizable, the balance will be used to offset the shipping charges. Thank you! Revised order: Item 1: Cinderella Deluxe Swimsuit for Girls URL:
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Here's my order and payment made. Thanks! To Account POSB Savings 091-56445-9 cheche Transfer Currency and Amount S$121.46 Transaction Reference 10931706246 Nick: bombprincess COllection: Courier Item 1: Cinderella Deluxe Swimsuit for Girls URL...
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    <b>Kohls Private Spree - Less 30% including clearance</b>

    Hi Oinkymum, Here's my order below, kindly let me know your account number for transfer. Thanks! Item 1: Blueberi Boulevard Daisy Sundress - Baby URL: Size: 18 Mths Price: 9.90 Item 2: Jumping...
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Mine items are under bombprincess batch 106. May I know is my item 1 oos, if yes, I still need to top up $15.37 for the shipping? I want to opt for courier. Can kindly advise total to top up or refund. Thanks!
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    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    Hi cheche, Here's my order and payment made. To Account POSB Savings 091-56445-9 cheche Transfer Currency and Amount S$110.70 Transaction Reference 10279055578 Item 1: Tinker Bell Costume for Girls URL...
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    AX spree #33 *slepyvon*

    Hi slepyvon, Noted. I have made the payment for the shipping. Will PM you my details. Thanks! To Account DBS Savings Plus 020-8-060298 slepyvon Amount S$12.01 Transaction Reference 6429984051
