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    Any comments on Modern Montessori International

    Any comments on MMI mountbatten?
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    Would like to donate breastmilk

    Oh i forgot to put my contact no, you can sms or WA me at 96708517 if you keen.
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    Would like to donate breastmilk

    Hi lingmum, I have febm from Feb that i can give you if you keen. My baby now is 6months old and i'm staying in Kallang. I'd appreciate if can exchange with baby wet wipes as a token. Please let me know if you keen. Thanks.
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    Would like to donate breastmilk

    Hi i have febm to donate. each packs ranging between 180-290ml each and i have a few packs to give away dated from early oct. self colletion at kallang. my baby is now 2.5 months old and i'm non smoker non drinker. i drink my calcium, multi vits, and dha daily. please sms or WA me at 96708517.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi happymum, i wanna go to that talk too because got wbb lolz.. but the rest of the talk by other people i dunno is it worth to do or not. the $5 fee is it per couple?
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    Pls PM me the PD name, i will be giving birth in TMC soon and will be assigned to one of the PD there.. So worried..
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    (Advice- How to deliver easiily and faster)

    Cheng, wow.. was that for your first baby? Is green bean soup help in easy labour?
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Hi Novi, Aku dah PM km tuh.. interested ama bumbo seatnya.. Klo peg peregonya sayang banget aku dah beli juga..huhuhuhu..
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    My gf said the powder type will make ur hair even oilier. She actually suggested to wash hair after 2 weeks because then ur body wont be too 'shock' if u wash hair after 30th or 40th day.. She just delivered in may and this is what she told me.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi Sherry, that one is in liquid form, if u wanna do the strict way of confinement, i dont think u can use it, because no matter what it still makes ur scalp wet. And i think the point of not washing hair is to avoid making ur hair and scalp wet to avoid the win coming in. And i read up...
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Novi, Thanks yaa.. aku dah bs masuk groupnya.. ^^
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Novi: Thanks.. udh aku approve kok requestnya.. ^^
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Novi, Mau donk add aku juga di FB forumnya.. emailku [email protected], full name di FB Resti Gunawan. Wenty, Sipp.. dah aku approve FBnya.. thanks yaa udh add Ylchua: Aku milih TMC juga gara2 gynae. gynae aku lbh gampang accessnya klo di TMC soalnya clinicnya disana..
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Wahh kok aneh.. hahhaa.. oke oke nanti aku add klo udh dirumah. add dari iphone rada susah, 3G nya lousy banget di kantor aku.. ini email aku btw, [email protected]. Kemaren itu aku cek di tmc sih untuk yg single ward suami ada ditulis %90 utk meals ama stay kyknya..
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    serenelm, Thanks.. My full name is Resti Gunawan. i've already put my privacy setting to allow public search, by right you can find me by name.. ^^ My EDD actually on 29 sept, is it still okay if i join in? because it's quite near to Oct, i was actually told that my edd will be on 1st...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi all... Can add me to FB group as well? my email is [email protected]
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Novi, Iyah nih hubbyku juga ga mau convert jadi citizen, padahal enaknya dia yg convert ketimbang aku. soalnya klo dia yg convert kan babyku masih bisa dual citizenship. nanti klo dpt anak cowo, kayaknya aku ga mau jadiin dia PR, biar jadi foreigner aja, soalnya sampe skrg aku masih kekeuh ga...
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Wenty, aku ga ngerti jg nih sebenernya. aku bingung banget ama forum ini sebenernya cara2 cek profile segala macem.. hahhaa.. tapi aku ada bales tuh ke email km yg addressnya. kegel exercise tuh kayak pelvic floor exercise, correct me if i'm wrong.. Itu kayak latihan otot di...
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Oh ya? Max 3kg masih oke ya? Iyah aku pengen banget normal sih. aku sebenernya pengen babynya 3kg lebih dikit, 3.2kg gitu lah. biar rada chubby dikit jadi kan klo pas digendong lbh ga gt fragile banget rasanya. tapi takutnya nanti malah ga kuat ngedennya.. hahahha.. hubby ku juga malaysian...
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    Any Indonesian mommies?

    Ohh udah wk30 masih bisa diundur gt ya?? aku dah wk 31 sih, baby udah 1.7kg, katanya sih rangenya normal juga. Di TMC aku lom cek sih gimana, tapi kata staff dari gynae aku sih, bakalan kena charge sekitar $2k extra gt. soalnya kita ada make labor ward ama operation theater juga, trus ada...
