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  1. F

    Dec 2018 Mummies

    Hi all mummies, just checking if there is a FB page created for dec 2018 babies... I just took my third test kit yesterday n im positive! It’s gonna be #2 for me... was hoping I can get some feedback of doctors in Thomson. During #1 I took a non-resident doc. Trying to go a different route this...
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    Muslim Mums 2015

    salam sisters, new to this forum, funny i didnt notice it before. Im about 23 weeks (plus) now, in shaa allah will welcome my first baby boy on 19 Sept... a great gift for the hubby as well as his bday is in Sept as well. My pregnancy has been okay Alhamdulillah... first trimester i couldnt...
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    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    not really new to the forum, but havent gotten around to "signing up".. can add me? email is [email protected], Edd is 18 Sept. Thanks!
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    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi mjane664,i share your pain on the tailbone discomfort. its so uncomfy to sit at work and in the train sometimes. My doc has also said its normal so we just need to push thru... hahah hope ur feeling better.
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    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi Peacejr, i have eczema as well, even before getting preggy. So far its still under control now and has not flared up. What i do is rotate between Physiogel and cetaphil, i do not use any other soap as im afraid it will spark anything. For my hair, i usually use baby shampoo as it is gentle on...
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    (2015/09) Sept 2015 Mummies

    Hi Mummies!! Newbie at this forum... happy to read some of your progresses and experiences. Im 13 weeks this week, first time mummy, and my gynae is Dr Arthur Tseng over at Gleneagles. I find he is a very good gynae. Im a bit lost on alot of things, such as finding a confinement nanny...
