Search results

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    WTB: USS Tickets 2A2C

    Hi, r the tkts still avail ?
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    AX spree #33 *slepyvon*

    Hi Von, please advise ttl amount tt i should transfer . Item name: Colorblock Box Logo Tee URL: Alternative if oos: drop Color: Rinsed IndigoSize: XL Qty: 01 Price in USD...
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    !!!!Looking for trsf indon maid!!!!

    -must be able to understand english -able to work independently, looking after 2 toddlers -able to cook chinese food & do hsework -no off-day , honest & reliable. Pls PM me if you have any that meets my req. need it asap in Jan2012.
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    (2024/05/20) Proven AIR-CON SERVICEw/2,000+ SMH-Mummies' Supports So Far!FREE SWAROVSKI-Ring PROMO!

    hi, can u help to arrange on 30april ard 10am to service aircon.i have sms to u , pls recfm .thks
  5. T

    **looking for bb sitter**

    looking for bb at jurong west ave 1 , prefer staying at cluster btwn 441-445.pls pm me if any.thks.
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    A Part-time Nanny needed

    hi vivian chan, u do nt accept pm. can u ctc me instead . thks
