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    Birthday Party for 1 year old

    Hello, I want to plan my 4yo and niece and nephew birthday. Anyone know if there's like a birthday planner? Can share contacts if so? Thanks!
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    Baby GYM

    Anyone know of good gyms or outdoor sports place for 4yos, preferably in the east? thanks!
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    ^^==^^ Anyone with active kid ???

    hi, my child was really really active too. teachers complained that he walked around during class! but after he took up some rockclimbing and soccer classes, he became less active. i also reduced the sugar intake. think letting him do activities that sap his energy will help
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    Anyone enroll your kids in the school CCAs in P1s

    what if the school doesnt offer anything from p1-p3 and outside classes be it for gym or ballet are too expensive for poor folks like me? i wonder if theres any govt subsidies for people who want to get their kids started with sports/music/cca stuffs at an earlier age.
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    Any good CHILDREN'S BOOKS to share?

    hi i'm looking for sports-related children books. hoping to spur my bookworm-turning-fat son to do some exercise!
