Search results

  1. L

    Hysterectomy, Endometriosis and recommended Doctor Lee Jiah Min at KKH

    When I got my tumor marker abnormal high test results (CA125 and CA19.9, I was so worried if it’s cancer. So much uncertainty lies ahead. It was found to be fibroids and cysts (endometriosis). Eventually after seeing 2 GP, 1 MRI radiologist and 3 specialists. I decided on Hysterectomy (remove...
  2. L

    Uterine fibroid 8cm

    Hi Ladies, I want to share my experience on fibroids and cysts removal. I also have endometriosis. Monthly periods are really painful for me since young. I’m 42yo and never had children. I decided to do hysterectomy (removal of uterus). The key is to find right doctor that u trust! I found mine...
